See it if This was a good show with great acting. It's a must see!!!!
Don't see it if Nir applicable
See it if you want a western with a strong second half that is innovative in how it incorporates flashbacks on a train on a small stage.
Don't see it if you want a fully formed show. Some lines are said so fast it's hard to understand, and the first half of the show drags in spots
See it if admire getting anything on NYC stage much less a Black western circa 1888 featuring all Black cast & characters, intrigued by Western themes
Don't see it if might think tornado hitting a small NYC stage would be hokily staged, rapid fire black dialects are too dense 2 parse, need fantasy
See it if Super acting.
Don't see it if Convoluted plot.
See it if You like plays with western themes and history
Don't see it if Accents are hard for you to follow or violence offends you
See it if You like small production plays with a clever use of props. Interesting venue.
Don't see it if You need big production entertainment, don't like stories that go back and forth in time.
See it if Being surprised at how good it was!
Don't see it if Nothing negative
See it if you want to know about African American history. I had no idea this man existed.
Don't see it if you don't like violence or talk about slavery.