The Legend of Oni (FringeNYC)
Closed 1h 40m
The Legend of Oni (FringeNYC)

The Legend of Oni (FringeNYC) NYC Reviews and Tickets

(19 Ratings)
Members say
Absorbing, Entertaining, Enchanting, Delightful, Original

About the Show

Part of FringeNYC: We'll take you to the pre Samurai world. The world of Onis, which are Japanese ogres. Onis with a human heart or a human turned to an Oni... Be lost in the beautiful Japanese old world with wonderful Kimono costumes.

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Show-Score Member Reviews (19)

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31 Reviews | 9 Followers
Slow, Entertaining, Delightful, Epic, Great staging

See it if you like asian drama. Female playing male roles, interesting idea. Entertaining enough but not as entertaining as I wanted. Great costume

Don't see it if you don't like subtitles (though imo not a problem). Bit slow, bit long. could fall asleep in hot theater

22 Reviews | 3 Followers
Confusing, Funny, Original

See it if You're looking for a unique experience or if you're an anime fan. At times the show feels like live action anime.

Don't see it if You're not prepared for a show with subtitles. It's all I'm Japanese with a subtitles board giving English translations.

18 Reviews | 5 Followers
Delightful, Enchanting, Great staging, Original, Great singing

See it if You like folktales, musicals, and/or Japanese culture.

Don't see it if You don't want to read supertitles.

5 Reviews | 1 Follower
Absorbing, Refreshing, Masterful

See it if you enjoy a marvelous Japanese romp

Don't see it if you find mythology annoying

3 Reviews | 1 Follower
Delightful, Must see, Great singing

See it if You enjoy singing, dancing, and legends! The drumming was a thrill to see and hear!

Don't see it if You don't want to read subtitles. I didn't read them and I understood just fine.

1 Review | 0 Followers
Enchanting, Entertaining, Great staging, Absorbing, Great singing

See it if are open-minded and curious about musical theater from other cultures.

Don't see it if are locked into the opinion that the only theater worth seeing is the same old stuff they keep showing on Broadway.

1 Review | 0 Followers
Absorbing, Entertaining, Exquisite, Great acting

See it if You love amazing theater

Don't see it if Worried about not being able to understand! There are subtitles!

2 Reviews | 0 Followers
Enchanting, Masterful, Resonant, Must see

See it if You enjoy Japanese culture, supporting an all female troupe, gorgeous costumes, performances full of emotion. Beautifully done.

Don't see it if You have no soul.

Critic Reviews (5)

August 17th, 2016

"With its syrupy ballads and lavish stage pictures, the Takarazuka-based all-female company seems to be trying to emulate its more famous big sister. In practice, the shaky vocals and tinny canned music makes this event feel more like a high-concept karaoke lounge...Messiness aside, no serious Fringer would want to miss the opportunity to see a Japanese musical...Even if the show isn't very good, you are still transported to a land of pure fantasy and unapologetic entertainment."
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Theatre is Easy
August 17th, 2016

“The all-female cast, while not the most polished vocalists, are incredibly energetic and expressive. Indeed, I sometimes abandoned the subtitles entirely because, even if I missed a detail here and there, it became clear that the acting would communicate whatever I needed to know...For those looking for something fun and easy to digest, this is probably not the best production to see. But for those who like being challenged, there is a lot to appreciate and grapple with.”
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Stage Buddy
August 16th, 2016

"Everything, right down to the movement of the scenery, is performed with precision and skill. The book, music, lyrics and staging are all by the enormously talented Tsujii, who has rehearsed her troupe very thoroughly. The production evokes traditional Japanese theatre forms, yet is as light and nimble as a contemporary musical...The color, exuberance and music make 'The Legend of Oni' a delight. It is a production full of warmth and magic."
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DC Metro Theater Arts
August 16th, 2016

"The authentic sights and sounds of the spectacular show will transport you to another time and bring to life the age-old traditions of historic Japanese culture...Each and every member of the thirteen-woman ensemble is heartfelt in her delivery and expressive in her performance and vocals…They fully engage the audience for every second of this compelling and meaningful top-quality production."
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NY Theatre Guide
August 14th, 2016

“It’s like experiencing ‘live’ anime, spiriting you away on a visual merry-go-round of fantastical creatures, stories, and sensations...The performers are feisty warriors who whip around the stage like runaway Catherine wheels...A beautiful piece full of lush visual imagery, intense emotional performances, and rich theatricality...I wish I could bottle the enthusiasm and effervescence of this company.”
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