Brave Artist Collective Theater Company

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Productions (2)

15 Reviews
NYC: East Village

This experimental dramedy wades into the thickets of juvenile justice reform and asks the question: Is sixteen…

6 Reviews
NYC: Lower E Side

Brave Artist Collective presents this solo show about a young girl's desperate desire to find a home and a…

Followers (3)

1K+ Reviews | 951 Followers
How I score: 90s: Must see! 80s: Most should see. 70s: Good show but not for everyone. 60s: I en... Read more
Recently reviewed
506 Reviews | 1K+ Followers
cannot dance, cannot sing, cannot act....... but love theater location should read Brighton Be... Read more
Recently reviewed
297 Reviews | 78 Followers
the wild dogs cry out in the night as they grow restless longing for some solitary company i kno... Read more
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