Network (NYC)
Closed 2h 0m
Network (NYC)
(622 Ratings)
Members say
Great acting, Great staging, Absorbing, Relevant, Ambitious

About the Show

After making its premiere in at the National Theatre in London, the adaptation of the Oscar-winning film comes to Broadway, starring Tony and Emmy winner Bryan Cranston.

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Critic Reviews (55)

The New York Times
December 6th, 2018

"And if you’re a glutton for great, high-risk acting, you owe Mr. Cranston the courtesy — and yourself the thrill — of watching his self-immolation...If the bravura dementia of his Howard makes much of the rest of the show seem as two-dimensional as a flat TV screen, it’s a trade-off I’m willing to accept, albeit with a sigh...As a portrait of a displaced man unraveling, Mr. Cranston’s wrenching performance stands on its own."
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Time Out New York
December 6th, 2018

"Bryan Cranston has a hell of a mad scene in the middle of 'Network'...It’s riveting stuff, because Cranston is an extraordinary actor, and also because, for an extended moment in this tech blitz of a show, there appears to be a human being onstage. Paddy Chayefsky’s Oscar-winning screenplay was a satire of the values of the television age, but humor has never been Van Hove’s strength, and this 'Network' has virtually none of it...'Network' isn’t galvanizing, it’s numbing."
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New York Magazine / Vulture
December 6th, 2018

"There’s something flat about van Hove’s production. It’s got all the requisite external flash, and Lee Hall’s adapted script is clear enough in its outlining of the story’s heightening stakes — the problem is, we recognize those stakes intellectually, but we don’t really feel them...van Hove has only one actor who’s truly on fire. Bryan Cranston’s Beale is a ferocious performance...Other than Cranston, the people feel stuck, sometimes overwrought and often stiff."
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The Wall Street Journal
December 6th, 2018

"Chayefsky’s predictions having long since come to pass, 'Network' is thus a musty period piece...Cranston overcomes that obstacle by putting a personal spin on the part...Not so his colleagues...which has the unintended effect of turning 'Network' into a one-man show...If you’re willing to pay Broadway prices to see Cranston give a tremendous performance, there’s a chance you’ll go home happy. Otherwise, you might as well rent the movie."
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December 6th, 2018

"My late-arriving discussion of the production seems justified for a play so completely dominated by a single performance. In most other respects, 'Network' is something of a let-down, and certainly no improvement over the film...The adaptation by Lee Hall sticks close to Chayefsky’s original script, with mixed results...Cranston comes damn close to matching the power of Finch’s Beale, focusing more than he predecessor on the character’s desperate sadness."
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New York Daily News
December 6th, 2018

"Cranston has some truly stunning moments...The central directorial conceit is a measure, of course, of van Hove's genius...Not all of the personal scenes are as strong as Cranston's astonishing solo spots...But while you might wish for more depth in some scenes, that's just not the point of the production. This is one profoundly clever show, the rare conceptual masterwork that puts all the current railing against fake news and cheap network theatrics in a much broader temporal context."
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December 6th, 2018

"Chayefsky’s diatribe, which played as satire almost a half-century ago, takes on fresh fury in a sizzling stage production, directed by Ivo Van Hove, that feels less satiric but more urgent — and frightening — in today’s times...The depth of Chayefsky’s cynicism is so breathtaking, so full of existential despair that it makes today’s critical pundits look like weepy whiners. Although Cranston never pushes Beale over the edge into madness, he brilliantly nudges him to the outer limits of anger."
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The Hollywood Reporter
December 6th, 2018

"The satirical sting may have been blunted by time, but the prescience is indisputable...What hurts the writing at 40-plus years' distance is that by remaining locked in the 1970s, it arguably doesn't go far enough...Still, as a real-world horror show about the profits to be reaped by accessing popular anger, 'Network' remains gripping, largely because Cranston makes his character's tragic trajectory a white-knuckle ride, and van Hove infuses the drama with dizzying kinetic energy."
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