Get the Boat
Closed 0h 50m
Get the Boat
(51 Ratings)
Members say
Great acting, Relevant, Absorbing, Thought-provoking, Intense

About the Show

A poignant, gruff, and sometimes comic new Irish drama makes its US debut. A story about sudden friendship, life-shattering decisions, and the secrets that we share. 

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Critic Reviews (6)

August 3rd, 2018

"Theater that will give you a new perspective on life, and also has you talking long after you leave the theater...Sheds a new perspective on why changing Ireland's ban on abortion may not necessarily be as it sounds...What could be a straightforward, fact-filled discussion about abortion turns into a stunning, beautiful play that tells the heart-wrenching story of two women who are forced to make this difficult decision...It is unbelievable the power such a show as this has over an audience."
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July 13th, 2018

“Brennan’s simple yet effective writing...A quietly powerful work. The dialogue is a skillful blend of mundane details, biographical data and expressions of world views that all strongly delineate the characters...Brennan’s command of plotting injects suspense, surprises and momentum, all combined with emotional resonance...Ably dramatizes conflicting views on abortion through its well-drawn characters and ultimately is on the side of freedom of choice.”
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Theater Pizzazz
July 11th, 2018

"There are still numerous well constructed moments in this story that boldly illustrate how two diverse life paths can share common territory. Though we get to know them for less than an hour, we gain tremendous insight into the difficult decision that both women are making...Ms. Brennan has written a powerful piece of activist theater. She is acutely sensitive to her subject matter and has picked two clear and distinctive voices among the many thousands who share this experience."
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Theatre's Leiter Side
July 12th, 2018

"Whatever dramatic germ this material holds is crushed by the actresses' lethargic performances. Although both seem superficially natural, they practically whisper their conversations, show no sense of urgency, only briefly display any theatrical energy, and make their turtle-paced 45 minutes or so seem twice as long. Zzzz…Weak direction may be the play's greatest drawback, given that the material deserves better than what it's presently getting."
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DC Metro Theater Arts
July 11th, 2018

"Directed by Smith, Brennan and Donnellan deliver the disparate backgrounds, distinct psychology, and heartfelt emotions of the women, in a two-sided much an intimate conversation as it is a political debate...While the format provides relevant information, it lacks integration; the factual material could have been written into the characters’ abruptly-ended dialogue for greater consistency and dramatic effect...Seems more like a work-in-progress than a finished play.”
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July 13th, 2018

“A timely play that taps into the current need to highlight crucial women’s issues in a patriarchal society...Brennan easily captures the natural way women speak to one another...The actresses tackle the emotionality of the piece with honesty and and express their opposing viewpoints with a fierce vulnerability...I was just starting to get into the play when it ended. I feel that there is more to the story...I would also like to see a little more variance in the direction of the piece."
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