Great Again
Closed 2h 40m
Great Again

Great Again NYC Reviews and Tickets

(53 Ratings)
Members say
Great acting, Ambitious, Thought-provoking, Relevant, Absorbing

About the Show

Project Y presents an evening of two newly commissioned one acts written in response to the November 2016 election. 'Great Again' is part of Project Y's annual Women in Theatre Festival.

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Show-Score Member Reviews (53)

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245 Reviews | 47 Followers
Absorbing, Relevant, Thought-provoking, Refreshing, Edgy

See it if you like plays with a political edge

Don't see it if if you like more polished productions. If you don't have patience for slightly unfinished works. Read more

546 Reviews | 66 Followers
Absorbing, Intelligent, Great writing, Thought-provoking

See it if Enjoy works by writers who may not be well-known though established.

Don't see it if Don't want any more plays about the post-election sentiment.

72 Reviews | 8 Followers
Clever, Thought-provoking

See it if you want to see something different on a small level with changing characters in front of your eyes..

Don't see it if you are expecting a typical linear play.

61 Reviews | 20 Followers
Great acting, Great staging, Thought-provoking

See it if you want to see a different play with interesting staging.

Don't see it if You want to have all concepts explained. Read more

209 Reviews | 38 Followers
Cliched, Disappointing, Great acting

See it if You want to see talented young actors doing their best to overcome weak material.

Don't see it if Tired political posturing and trite, tired plot makes you want to head for the exit.

52 Reviews | 11 Followers
Confusing, Disappointing, Slow

See it if You support small productions.

Don't see it if You expect a clear story that goes somewhere. Read more

70 Reviews | 7 Followers
Banal, Excruciating, Fluffy, Indulgent, Uneven acting

See it if you support new playwrights and small theater companies with a mission

Don't see it if you have low tolerance for rant-y plays that barely scratch the surface of any of the issues raised ("In the Line")

172 Reviews | 24 Followers
Banal, Excruciating, Insipid, Slow

See it if you want to waste 2.5 hours of your life. Boring, amateurish writing, mediocre acting, disjointed. A mish- mosh of irrelevant skits.

Don't see it if you enjoy any other type of theater. There have to be a hundred different shows going on in nyc better than this. Just awful. Stay away.

Critic Reviews (3)
June 7th, 2017

"A program of two intriguing and engrossing works...Miyagawa’s dialogue is often poignant and wry, and it all builds to a wistful conclusion...'In the Line' is a vibrant and theatrically realized mediation on contemporary life...'The Test' is a fine blend of well-delineated characters, flavorful dialogue and provocative situations. It’s somewhat marred by a pedantic lecture near the end...It’s crisply staged with a measured pace...The acting is exceptional."
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June 9th, 2017

“‘The Test’ is a thoughtful and timely work...The performances are exceptional; the four-person cast truly functions as an ensemble. ‘Great Again’ is a mixed bag…Their pairing doesn’t feel organic—they are simply in dissimilar stages of development. While 'In the Line' isn’t quite ready for audiences yet, 'The Test' is a strong and fully realized work. That said, 'In the Line' isn’t egregiously bad, it’s just underdeveloped, while 'The Test' is definitely worth sitting through the first play.”
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Theater In The Now
July 6th, 2017

"Both illuminate, with stark presentational differences, some of the various challenges, impressions, and impulses facing women and people of color today...'In the Line' is a sweetly subversive and dreamlike tumble...Despite the piece’s focus on lines, Horton seamlessly incorporates a great deal of movement...Under Hill’s crisp and elegant direction, 'The Test' swiftly advances...A play about division, fear, resentment, and picking sides, and what it takes in 2017 to overcome it all."
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