(71 Ratings)
Members say
Funny, Entertaining, Quirky, Fluffy, Disappointing

About the Show

This new romantic comedy about a seemingly heterosexual boyfriend's not-so-heterosexual past proves that sometimes in order to find yourself, you have to get lost.

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Critic Reviews (9)

Lighting & Sound America
November 17th, 2017

“A foolish, mild little concoction—really, a stand-up routine disguised as a play...The lead characters in ‘Hot Mess’ are named Max and Elanor—both are comics—and they are little more than stand-ins for the authors, Dan Rothenberg and Colleen Crabtree, whose story this is...There is never the slightest doubt that these two will get together...Silverstein's direction is, as always, professional...‘Hot Mess’ is a pretty cold cup of coffee.”
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November 30th, 2017

"Wonderfully performed, smartly mounted, and minor, though enjoyable romantic comedy, 'Hot Mess'...The often playfully crude dialogue is snappy and the appealing characters are well drawn. There are many classic set-up and punch line bits a number of which land with amusing results. Lasting an hour, it’s a mildly satisfying short play that makes for simple entertainment...Crumm and DeVito have a marvelous chemistry together and terrific mutual comic timing."
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Theater Pizzazz
November 16th, 2017

"If you’re a fan of comedy, especially blue, with romance thrown in for a theme, then you’ll have some good laughs...Molnar has most of the punch lines and is a standout in this three person show...Directed by Jonathan Silverstein the play runs at a fast pace."
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Stage Buddy
November 16th, 2017

"Rothenberg and Crabtree have captured a sticky moment that might play out in any new love story with sheer honesty and absolute delight. Rather than going for cheap laughs, Rothenberg and Crabtree allow realistic conversations in a realistic scenario to stew in their own natural comic juices...With its vaudeville-esque moments played out in perfect timing by all three actors, there’s never a dull moment and the through line is clear."
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New York Theater
November 16th, 2017

"An innocuous play performed by an appealing cast that has the slightest of plots...Streaked with dialogue and situations and jokes that are supposed to be funny, but aren’t. This is a problem, since the three main characters are all supposed to be professional jokesters...To be fair, I did laugh twice...There really isn’t much substance...The actors are charming enough, and the play’s running time brief enough, that 'Hot Mess' might well work as a date night for some undemanding couples."
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Theatre's Leiter Side
November 23rd, 2017

“For a play about comics, the humor-for all its reliance on raunch and a running joke about whether Max ever took it up the you-know-where-doesn't rise above that on any sitcom…If you think a guy calling his girlfriend ‘Poopy Pants’ is a gut buster, this show's for you. Others, I imagine, are offering sympathy laughs, the kind you force to make the actors feel better…Crumm…and DeVito…acquit themselves well enough, considering their uninspiring material.”
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The Huffington Post
November 28th, 2017

"Neither a hot mess nor a cold mess. It’s a lukewarm rom-com...The pluses here include the deft Crumm and DeVito...If 'Hot Mess' is about anything deeper than what’s on its mildly undulating surface, it’s concerned with recognizing that relationships today aren’t always what they used to be. Should anyone want to get anywhere, a new flexibility is required. So take that contemporary message for what it’s worth."
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Wolf Entertainment Guide
December 1st, 2017

“The situation at first seems rather shallow, but as the play progresses it becomes increasingly entertaining, largely because of the appealing acting...Although the play is on the thin side, the authors have provided an amusing set-up in the ultimate revelations, and Crumm and DeVito, abetted by the outrageousness of Molnar, do the rest under the snappy direction of Silverstein.”
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