Pete Rex
(10 Ratings)
Members say
Funny, Clever, Quirky, Entertaining, Disappointing

About the Show

Part comedy, part absurdism, part horror, this new work tells the story of Pete, a small town, Midwestern guy and a vicious, yet oddly smooth-talking Tyrannosaur named Nero.

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Critic Reviews (13)

February 16th, 2018

"Ingeniously melds modern and prehistoric themes. This is an affecting, yet entertaining show that features creative staging and an excellent cast...Captivating and sometimes insightful story about survival and the fragility of humankind...The three actors master their roles as they depict very authentic relationships along with the tale's humor and lively action-packed scenes...One-of-a-kind theatrical event...Compliments all around on this inventive production."
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Lighting & Sound America
February 16th, 2018

"Intentionally ridiculous, a mass of B science-fiction movie tropes...That the premise of 'Pete Rex' is purposely absurd doesn't prevent it from becoming tiresome...There's a fatal disconnect with the real world; even in a glorified comedy sketch like this...Thompson tries to drag in a bevy of serious issues...but such tactics are simply too little, too late...Careens from one tone to another, leaving it to the cast to handle the plot's neck-snapping emotional turns."
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Talkin' Broadway
February 15th, 2018

.“Unpolished yet intriguing…Be warned: before you get to the intriguing part, you will need to suspend your disbelief for a long time…After intermission, things start to make a kind of absurdist sense...The most creative element is Winheld's gloriously outlandish and absolutely committed performance as the upper crust British-speaking T-Rex…‘Pete Rex’ does need tightening...But the playwright is on to something here with his examination of a psychological crisis.”
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February 15th, 2018

“Stultifying on every narrative level…The twist ending can be seen for miles and definitely does nothing to redeem what has come before…Mr. Thompson peppers his tiresome and unsatisfying scenario with attempted Neil Simon-style stylings that flit by with little effect…The strident performances suit the material…Its stale romantic drama elements combined with its flippant science fiction premise make ‘Pete Rex’ a labored and pointless exercise.”
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Theatre is Easy
February 15th, 2018

"It's difficult to sympathize with Pete, whose videogame addiction seems more like a syndrome of a lazy mind than depression...But thankfully, Alexander V. Thompson chooses to dress up Pete’s inner conflict in something truly spectacular, namely a very polite and extravagant looking Tyrannosaurus...The seamless transition between different genres is 'Pete Rex’s' greatest asset and a rewarding source of surprises."
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Theater Pizzazz
February 15th, 2018

“'Pete Rex'…is best when capturing the essence of innocuous bro talk; it's not enough, however, to make the play funny or likable enough. The actors show talent but there's little they can do to help us appreciate the play's differing levels of satire and reality. The situation is so exaggerated, the characters so unpleasant…, the setting so unsavory, and the humor so sophomoric, one spends more time wondering what Thompson is getting at than enjoying what he's wrought.”
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Stage Buddy
February 22nd, 2018

"The play’s symbolism becomes so obvious that anyone who’s skimmed a Wikipedia article on Sigmund Freud might feel qualified to diagnose Pete’s ills...The allegorical components of the play prove to be moderately interesting. What is most wonderful about 'Pete Rex' is Thompson’s creation of the nasty creature that breaks out of its shell in Act 2...'Pete Rex' may be a slight play, but it’s well constructed, thoughtful, and amusing."
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Times Square Chronicles
February 16th, 2018

"The whole show is a metaphor for man's inner feelings and how he has not progressed much...The actors are all well cast with Winheld extremely amusing as the T-Rex. Sadly Act Two is not as clever as Act One's straightforwardness. It becomes too psychological and it almost seems as if we are watching two different plays. Also the characters are not made likable so it is hard to care...Thompson is a playwright to watch, but he needs some more nurturing."
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