(49 Ratings)
Members say
Great acting, Entertaining, Clever, Absorbing, Delightful

About the Show

Bedlam brings their innovative, stripped-down aesthetic to Shaw's classic comedy about a professor who strives to convert a low class London girl into someone who can pass as a member of high society.

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Critic Reviews (14)

The New York Times
March 27th, 2018

"Fleet, appealing, overstretched revival...Lots of Bedlamite fun..When it slices to the core of a classic text with wit and verve and a show-off’s delight, it’s doing what the company does best...Some ideas don't fly...These changes shift the play toward themes of colonialism and deracination instead. That’s a play I’d like to see, but it’s not 'Pygmalion,' or at least it’s not 'Pygmalion' with only a line or two improved."
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The Wall Street Journal
April 5th, 2018

"Mr. Tucker has other Bedlam-style directorial tricks up his sleeve, ranging from cross-gender casting to a show-opening coup de théâtre that I wouldn’t dream of giving away...Shaw was a supreme master of the stage, one whose greatest plays need no directorial assistance to make their effect, much less their political points. On the other hand, Mr. Tucker’s hurtling staging is so vigorous and direct that it’s no sacrifice to go where it takes you."
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March 27th, 2018

"Eliza comes from immigrant stock...That's just one of the smart, relevant touches that Tucker has woven into his exceptionally performed, highly entertaining, must-see production...Tucker directs this nearly flawless production with accomplished stagecraft and relentless humor, yet also with a poignant delicacy...Sharma, who plays Eliza with pathos and delightful wryness, has us in the palm of her hands...The production's comedic center is Lewis...Equally compelling...are the social issues."
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Lighting & Sound America
March 28th, 2018

"Tucker, who directed and stars as the supercilious language expert Henry Higgins, has found many ways to muddy the Shavian waters...If you are unfamiliar with the play, all I can say is, God help you...This is yet another Bedlam production defined by strategies and devices that don't really add up to a coherent vision. Tucker and his collaborators seem to be addicted to what works in the moment, with little consideration of the overall effect."
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New York Stage Review
March 27th, 2018

"To anyone deciding whether to attend...I say you must go...That's if you're truly interested in Shaw and potent theater. You encounter Tucker's extremely strong but severely arrested-development Higgins as well Sharma's multi-dimensional Eliza...Tucker's direction of the small cast is at a consistent peak...Trimming the cast to six requires doubling during the high-hilarity tea to-do...The fast-paced routine is intended to be cute, but the only effect it has is narrative confusion."
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March 27th, 2018

"Shaw's witty dialogue...still has the power to make its own music with its sparkling dialogue and multi-faceted characters...Bedlam's very unique vision makes a trip to the beautiful Sheen Center imperative for anyone who appreciates an audacious yet respectful adaptation of a classic...Delightfully cheeky, without running the risk of turning Shaw's themes into high camp...Sharma and Tucker not only tap into the evolving emotions of each, but also have terrific chemistry."
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April 4th, 2018

"Bedlam, the innovative and ingenious theater company, has mounted their second Shaw revival (following their acclaimed Saint Joan with four actors) and the evidence of the genius of artistic director Eric Tucker is that not once do you miss Lerner & Loewe's score in this staging of 'Pygmalion.' This most popular of Shaw's comedies most likely does not get revived as often as it might due to 'My Fair Lady,' but this production restores it to its own niche."
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Theater Pizzazz
March 27th, 2018

"Though there are a few, soft, quiet moments in the space, the incarnation of this drama...spins beautifully...The immediacy of the theater is felt, seen, and heard; the characters are right next to you, creating a sense that anyone could participate in this moral dilemma...Fans of Shaw might love this production, for its zest and fidelity to the original text...It is great acting and directorial vision that make Bedlam’s production of 'Pygmalion' such a success."
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