See it if you want to learn about judy's life
Don't see it if you're not a fan of hers
See it if You don't remember Judy holiday and enjoy being introduced to this smart talented lady
Don't see it if You have no idea of the characters or the references to the times the play takes place in.
See it if you love Judy Holliday and fine acting and singing. This is not a juke-box musical. It is a thought-provoking biographical piece with music
Don't see it if you want a kick-up-your-heels jukebox musical.
See it if A very good show about judy Holliday and the entertainment business. If you want to hear some good songs.
Don't see it if If you want a deep play that is less show biz and deeper.
See it if Know who Judy Holliday is or a fan of older movies or love older Hollywood.
Don't see it if If you want her whole life story. It just some moments. Read more
See it if you're interested in show biz during the 40s and 50s or if you are a fan of Holliday or just want to know more about her and the era.
Don't see it if Judy is an important figure of that time, but without all the baggage of the other Judy of the same era. It's not exciting, but worthy. Read more
See it if you have any interest in the life and talents of Judy Holiday, enjoy singing, and appreciate few actors playing many roles.
Don't see it if you're looking for sharp dialogue and well-constructed plot and action
See it if You love TCM and are an old movie buff, especially of rom-coms, musicals. Terrific presentation of Judy Holliday, her era, sexism, politics.
Don't see it if You haven't a clue as to who Judy Holliday was and the ethos of the 1950's to early 1960's. You only seek big budget musicals, or revivals. Read more
“As disjointed as Mr. Holtzman’s script is, Ms. Burns, who created the part in the play’s 2014 premiere, holds the production together...Burns captures Holliday’s vocal mannerisms, wit and comic timing. But she also connects with Holliday’s vulnerability. When Ms. Burns, who, refreshingly, does not wear a body microphone, melts into ‘What’ll I Do’ or ‘It must be Christmas’, it’s easy to forget who is singing. And that is not an impersonation, but a performance.”
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“The frustratingly sketchy and episodic play somehow leaves you wanting more and less at the same time...A plethora of biographical material is dealt with in just 90 minutes, making it more inexplicable that the playwright also felt the need to musicalize the proceedings...Burns superbly conveys Holliday's charm, comic gifts and emotional complexity. And the supporting players handle their multiple assignments with protean skill."
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"Will keep you enthralled from the first minute to the last...Get your tickets now for this unforgettable theatrical and musical experience...The score is wonderfully performed and perfectly designed to bring the story of 'Smart Blonde' full circle...The Design Team has done a top job of bringing the mood of the 1950's and 60's to the stage."
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“’Smart Blonde’ is a collection of sound bites trying to pass as biographical drama...Trouble is, so much happens so quickly that none of it has any impact...The script's many factoids are presented without sufficient context...Burns creates a plausible version of the sometimes-troubled woman...It's a fascinating performance, filled with eccentric gestures that would seem false or bizarre on any other performer, but which on her are incontrovertibly right.”
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“Holtzman's sketchy by-the-numbers bio play...Leaves us wanting more...Directed at a fast pace but without much ingenuity...The play is made up of short scenes about Holliday's life...’Smart Blonde’ touches upon much that begs for a richer and fuller treatment than what we are getting here...There is plenty of material to command a strong play or musical about Judy Holliday. Regrettably, this isn't it.”
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"The actress does not offer a precise catalogue of Holliday’s attributes nor a step-by-step impersonation, but she smoothly and convincingly (and entertainingly) brings to life this representation...Instead of creating a compelling play, he offers episodes from the life of Judy Holliday. Many are highly amusing, especially as staged by Peter Flynn and breezily performed by three versatile actors who cover all bases...Burns is constantly and unflaggingly winning."
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"Holliday’s learning how – and why – to inhabit the role of the dumb blonde is a strong throughline up to this point, but it falls short of effectively delineating all of Holliday’s complex life, and that structural flaw leaves this play less satisfying than Holliday deserves. Under the direction of Peter Flynn, the cast performances, however, do much to make up for this drawback."
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“Willy Holtzman has written ‘Smart Blonde’ to amend this situation. ‘Smart Blonde’ takes on, perhaps, too much, telling Holliday's entire life in ultimately unsatisfactory tiny chunks, never digging deep enough, but held together by its hardworking star, Andréa Burns (who was just as terrific in ‘On Your Feet’ and ‘In the Heights’).”
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