Kink Haus
(18 Ratings)
Members say
Entertaining, Edgy, Raunchy, Riveting, Absorbing

About the Show

With a heady mix of music, dance, visual arts, lights, sounds and a maverick attitude, this new work depicts the raw, dark, and sometimes outlandish sexual journey people travel, in search of identity and freedom. 
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Critic Reviews (13)

September 26th, 2018

“A crowd-pleasing bang...totally rad and dizzying performance art and dance spectacle...This performance is just the kind of ebullient combination of high brow ballet principles and techniques mixed with low brow hedonism all played through a kaleidoscope of the futuristic punk trash aesthetic...that is sure to leave audiences spellbound and screaming for more...’KINK HAÜS’ finds its wings through masterfully exploiting the shared experiences of lust and desire.”
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Theater Pizzazz
September 24th, 2018

“An insane and rollicking underground club...Just the outlandish costumes alone would make for a hoot of a show, but Montana doesn’t stop there. The real gist of the rollercoaster performances is dancing...Astonishingly athletic choreography, powerful, yet graceful...The dancing is out of control. But one cannot ignore Montana’s flavoring of the production with a number of themes. One, the influence of alcohol and drugs...Two, the FU attitude that nothing is out of our reach.”
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Exeunt Magazine
September 24th, 2018

“Despite its delirious pleasures, 'Kink Haüs' feels occasionally too aware of its own edginess...Montana’s intentions are noble, but the piece...lacks genuine edge despite its provocative title...Though the show has the guts to push an audience’s boundaries, it lacks the teeth to truly leave a mark...There’s work yet to be done before ‘Kink Haüs’ lives up to its full potential, but in the meantime there’s no downside to watching this talented group of kinksters do their thing."
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New York Theater
October 5th, 2018

“An hour of debauchery straight from the gritty gay bars of Berlin...Largely a dance piece, with vigorously athletic and erotic choreography performed by seven skilled performers who are in remarkably good shape and often mostly undraped. Their movement veers between balletic, playful, graphic, and dangerous-looking...Designed to feel outrageous...For all the consciously edgy effects and sensual assault, Montana also seems to want us to take home something of a moral message.”
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Broadway Blog
September 25th, 2018

“A quickly paced romp through queer culture and identity...A culmination of what audiences have come to love in LGBTQ-affirming theater...Montana’s take is more downtown in its vibe but just as accessible...Perhaps ‘Kink Haus’ needs to road trip to Bushwick to tether itself to an audience willing to unravel. I’m sure this isn’t the last we’ll hear of Gunmar Montana. I’m fascinated to see what kind of haüs he builds next.”
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Off Script with Dan Dwyer
September 23rd, 2018

"A gay fantasia that celebrates with outlandish dance and visual spectacle...from the apparently autobiographical experience of its creator Gunnar Montana...He's transformed La Mama into an underground disco, with the dance floor as performance space...Montana’s fantasia enfolds in a series of about a dozen vignettes of boldly athletic dances choreographed to a 1980s/90s soundtrack...'Kink Haus' never ceases being theatrical."
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September 23rd, 2018

"Billed as fringe, but I came away thinking it was more mainstream than it realizes...It's an attention-grabbing, joyful gender-romp that is athletically choreographed and a visual smorgasbord...If you're not so concerned about what the show's message is, 'Kink Haüs' is impossible not to enjoy — the dancing is impeccable and unexpected, and there is a bacchanalian atmosphere so intense it's hard to believe the whole spectacle is over in under an hour."
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Theatre is Easy
September 24th, 2017
For a previous production

"Montana’s 'Kink Haus' serves the queer fantasy of your dreams...It’s loud music, dildos, heels, and lubed-up dance floors from there forward. We all know what we’re here for: hot dancing with heaping portions of sex. Montana’s production delivers, if only in a tease. Structurally, it just starts to get good, and then it’s over. And for a title like 'Kink Haus' I expected to be shocked; instead, the erotica here is actually pretty tame."
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