(18 Ratings)
Members say
Ambitious, Thought-provoking, Absorbing, Clever, Quirky

About the Show

Theater Mitu’s new interdisciplinary piece interjects interviews with found text, technology, and image in its exploration of the subject of war. It asks: what should we fight for and why? 

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Critic Reviews (5)

August 29th, 2018

“Perhaps ‘Remnant’ tries to tackle too much. Considering its philosophical aspirations, this work should be thought-provoking. Instead, the sheer sensory overload of its multidisciplinary approach to some degree becomes self-defeating, as one is bound to come away appreciating the ceaselessly inventive stagecraft more than meditating on the themes it presents...’Remnant’ is the kind of admirably overreaching failure that is willing to risk disaster for the sake of testing theatrical boundaries."
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August 29th, 2018

“War, time and death are hauntingly explored in the eerie high-tech performance piece ‘Remnant’...The audience wears headsets as they experience the show while watching the action...Polendo’s swift staging richly realizes each individual chapter with resonance. Polendo coordinates the piece’s high caliber technical elements and engaging performances into a production that totally stimulates the senses and the mind...The cast is always fascinating.”
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Theatre is Easy
August 31st, 2018

"With poetical delicacy that doesn’t cloud the pain of grief and loss, 'Remnant' reminds us of the fragility of mental and physical bodies...Headphones not only allow for three parts of the show to unfold simultaneously, but also create an intimate form of communication...The architecture of this theatrical experience is flawlessly executed in both writing and production, with just the right degree of detachment allowing you to connect to the fragmented and distilled stories."
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Stage Buddy
September 5th, 2018

"The company has done something incredible. Each artist brings different skills, experiences, and craft to the piece; they've come together in a way that is at different times cinematic, deeply theatrical, and striking to the senses...This piece is beautiful and emotional; I felt desperation, despair, guilt, terror, and wonder. For the parts of all of us that have experienced loss, this is an affirming meditation. I highly recommend seeing it!"
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New York Theater
August 28th, 2018

"Only part documentary theater. It is also equal parts art installation, performance art, and technology-as-poetry...The show is inventive enough to feel like an adventure...At best revolves around some big themes rather than focusing on a specific subject, but often feels random. The use of the headphones and the distancing effect of the actors performing inside the dark boxes, are arguably at odds with some of the very aspects of live theater that have allowed it to endure."
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