The Itch
(28 Ratings)
Members say
Confusing, Disappointing, Slow, Excruciating, Indulgent

About the Show

Throes Theater presents a multimedia work exploring sibling love, addiction, and how far we’ll go to save ourselves and others.

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Critic Reviews (7)
September 7th, 2017

"'The Itch' is tedious, seemingly pointless and has patches of intrigue...Boredom or mild interest are the likely possibilities...The cast does their best by the material with their strong characterizations...Ms. Buchheister’s physical staging is efficient and adeptly melds all of the elements into a slowly paced yet endurable 90 minutes...Ultimately, if accepted on its own self-consciously unconventional terms, 'The Itch' is a fitfully engaging experience."
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Theatre is Easy
September 9th, 2017

"There are some loose ends protruding from the shocking surface, and that is the play’s main sin...This descent deep into the void of forbidden love could benefit from some clarification. But...writer Zelman-Doring seems to be more interested in separate stitches, not the whole picture. The direction by Buchheister mimics this approach with interestingly staged scenes cobbled together as if in a hurry...The play ends abruptly, leaving the siblings pretty much where they started."
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Stage Buddy
September 6th, 2017

“A very nice new play…A smart and well-developed structure…Buchheister’s direction, a light touch with strong theatrical instincts, creates compelling moments as well…The play has some unhelpful unresolved questions, but the ambiguity of the core relationship gave the work an American honestly I appreciated. Awesome, another awesome, and super sad, American family play.”
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Front Mezz Junkies
September 6th, 2017

“The main problem lies in the disconnected writing that has no sequence of events, nor any cause and effect from moment to moment, and the direction that fails to make sense of it all…They blindly drive forward recklessly sprouting lines and scenarios void of realistic emotional engagement, sequential logic, nor any connection to the shabby world around them…It is basically dead on arrival.”
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September 13th, 2017

"The confusingly odd story...has a decidedly downtown feel and makes use of film and video projections as well as loud original punk sounding music...The staging, however, lacks tension despite the smart dialogue. And neither the actors nor the direction infuse the evening with an emotion-filled conflict that is necessary to bring the meandering story to a final unresolved fade-out."
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September 6th, 2017

“A work in progress...By populating the stage with live actors and music, video projections, voice-overs, and prerecorded soundscapes, writer Zelman-Doring and director Buchheister split audience focus with, at best, no discernibly useful outcome, and at worst, unnecessary distractions…It would be fascinating to see a stripped-down theatrical version of this play...There is the potential for deeply resonating drama in these characters, but it’s all shielded behind the frills of multimedia.”
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September 9th, 2017

"This thought-provoking story takes the dysfunctional family to extremes...If it sounds like this isn't exactly the feel-good story of the summer, then you get the point: it's not the place to bring the kids for a taste of cutting-edge theater. But if you're looking for a play that isn't afraid to take what most people consider taboo and insist that you look the demon in its eyes, then this is a story for you."
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