“One part truthful queer coming-of-age story, one part psychological horror, this engaging monologue, written and directed by Kwame Owusu, takes an appealingly offbeat approach to themes of racism, anxiety and self-discovery.”
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“If the ending feels slightly rushed, it’s partly the writing but also that Simon as Malachi is such delightful company that an hour with him doesn’t seem enough. All in all, this is a little gem and an irresistible introduction to a couple of major new theatrical talents.”
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“Where the production excels in particular is in its sound design (by Holly Khan), which with total simplicity uses echoing knocks and thuds to underline the arrival of the nightmare beast...This is the kind of studio-scale gem the Bush has become so good at staging, a terrific showcase for its performer and writer-director.”
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"This is one of the play’s great strengths, spotlighting the visceral delights of finding the people you fit with."
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“There is a lot being explored here, in a piece that powerfully reinstates the urgency of storytelling in the formation of identity...The denouement is pleasingly open and optimistic for a play that goes to some very difficult places, and 'Dreaming and Drowning' succeeds in taking us on a journey through the healing process of a broken heart, and a mind very much open to the expansive possibilities of language.”
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