“ ‘Flip!’ is a high energy satire from acclaimed writer Racheal Ofori, directed by Emily Aboud. The play is a two-hander, matched in their dynamism and skill.”
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“ ‘FLIP!’ is inconclusive, but that’s perhaps inevitable in that there are no solid answers given the newness of the subject matter, and it captures this precise moment in time with a bracing accuracy. As a story of a friendship, it’s less successful although the performances go a long way towards covering up the flaws. Thought-provoking and enjoyable.”
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“...flipping not just in name, but in the nature of the discussions and commentary in the piece; it provokes discussion and debate within the minds of its audience whilst still serving as a very entertaining bit of theatre...It’s that lack of clarity which in the end, ironically, is the thing which gives us hope. There’s still time to ‘FLIP!’ things on their head.”
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“With a witty script, slick direction, and strong performances, ‘FLIP!’ is a hilarious and reflective show on the dilemmas of social media.”
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