Glory Ride
(210 Ratings)
Members say
Absorbing, Must see, Entertaining, Riveting, Profound

About the Show

Olivier Award-winner Kelly Devine directs this new musical about the life of Italian athlete Gino Bartali.

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Critic Reviews (9)

April 29th, 2023

“Whether its sketchy romantic triangle and underwritten support characters will be enough to gather a peloton of punters at the box office remains to be seen...This one certainly deserves its day in front of the race and not just an anonymous position riding along in the gruppeto.”
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Theatre Weekly (UK)
April 28th, 2023

Glory Ride has so much potential as the story is really compelling, but to really hit home with audiences it would need to spend more time on the daring exploits of Bartali and his co-conspirators, because this is where the real excitement lies.
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All That Dazzles (UK)
April 29th, 2023

“ 'Glory Ride' is definitely worth keeping an eye on though in its current form it isn’t quite where it needs to be yet. The book needs tightening up and the lyrics need a bit of an overhaul to make the whole thing come alive on stage in the way a story like this deserves to.”
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The Times (UK)
May 1st, 2023

“It’s a great idea, executed with enough energy to power the most reluctant cyclist up a mountain, yet the upbeat script can feel frustratingly thin and the lyrics are wildly variable.”
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Everything Theatre (UK)
May 1st, 2023

“This is a highly emotional show that made me cry. It has moments of comedy and of heartbreak, but what the talented ensemble of performers do so well is depict ordinary people in 1940s Italy with an extraordinary willingness and desire to fight for what is right.”
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West End Best Friend
April 29th, 2023

“ ‘Glory Ride’ has all of the elements that are needed to make a great musical, it just needs a little bit more fine tuning before it becomes a tour de force.”
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Lost in Theatreland (UK)
May 1st, 2023

Technically the show is strong, with some simple but effective moving set pieces and projections showing the transition from the piazza to the church. On the whole, the subject matter of Glory Ride definitely has the potential to become a stunning musical – but this iteration currently rides with some slightly wobbly legs
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The Stage (UK)
May 2nd, 2023

“The key ingredients of Bartali’s story are passion, heroism and sacrifice. The Buchholzs’ musical struggles to deliver these in any cohesive or convincing manner and Devine’s production is too hackneyed to make it work.”
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