NW Trilogy
NW Trilogy
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A trio of tales exploring the dynamic people of North West London and their legacies over time.

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Critic Reviews (4)

London Theatre
September 15th, 2021

There’s much to learn from the three plays. The overall production feels seamless thanks to co-directors Taio Lawson and Susie Mckenna who have drawn out strong performances from the ensemble cast.
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September 15th, 2021

The play struggles slightly to contain its many thoughts. Like all the plays, which were inspired by an oral history project, it takes life and makes it into a drama, shining a light on different stories which for all their specificity also reveal universal truths.
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The Guardian (UK)
September 15th, 2021

There are heavy helpings of sentimentality and a roaring romance across all three plays but with an emotional truth within. Each contains the possibility of a bleak ending but this is averted in place of hope and celebration of immigrant life. It is theatre with a big, warm heart.
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The Stage (UK)
September 15th, 2021

Directed by Taio Lawson and Susie McKenna, the show is packed with energy and movement. Though there’s no narrative connection between the three plays, music ... by composers Ben and Max Ringham [helps] to tie the show’s disparate pieces together.
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