Don Jose's heart beats for Carmen, while Micaela pines for his affection. Escamillo loves...himself!
Picture a not-so-distant future where Carmen, inherently rebellious yet displaced as a refugee, takes the spotlight nightly in the Refugee Camp Circus. Controlled by Don Jose, a guard of the occupying army, Carmen and her circus companions serve as a diversion, quelling any thoughts of rebellion. Amidst this backdrop, Don Jose harbors a deep affection for Carmen, while Micaela longs for his attention. Meanwhile, the charismatic Escamillo is consumed by self-love. Carmen, amidst the tents and performances, yearns to break free from Don Jose's grip and lead her fellow captives toward liberation. This modern rendition of Bizet's classic swaps opera for rap, infusing new vitality into its timeless melodies while exploring themes of love, resistance, and emancipation.