Honeymoon in Vegas
Honeymoon in Vegas
Closed 2h 30m NYC: Midtown W
80% 101 reviews
(101 Ratings)
Members say
Funny, Entertaining, Delightful, Great acting, Clever

About the Show

Tony Danza stars in a new musical comedy based on the 1992 film about a love triangle set amongst the glitz of Las Vegas.

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Critic Reviews (13)

The New York Times
January 15th, 2015

"Wake up and smell the mai tais, New York. Las Vegas has come calling on you. And it’s on such good behavior, you’d be a churl not to embrace it...This production is a real-live, old-fashioned, deeply satisfying Broadway musical in a way few new shows are anymore. It offers the perfect sunny holiday for frozen Eastern city dwellers."
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Time Out New York
January 15th, 2015

"How to answer snobs who denounce Broadway as a cultural wasteland of gaudy lights, musical cheese and tacky titillation, a place where suckers flock to get fleeced? At least it’s not…Las Vegas? Well, the Great White Way has now become Sodom of the Southwest, and whatever happens there is definitely not staying there: Honeymoon in Vegas is too damn fun to keep secret."
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January 15th, 2015

"You think they just don’t make ‘em like they used to? To find out how wrong you are, head to Broadway for a couple of hours of finger-snapping, tap-dancing, hip-swiveling, Elvis-impersonating, night-club crooning fun. That’s what the musical adaptation of Honeymoon In Vegas promises and what it delivers."
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New York Daily News
January 15th, 2015

"There’s plenty to like about the new Broadway arrival “Honeymoon in Vegas.” That goes double for the terrific score. If only the overall production were sexier, funnier and more surprising. As is, the show is cute and old-fashioned, a good time."
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January 15th, 2015

"“Honeymoon In Vegas” answers gloomy Gotham’s crying need for some good old lowbrow farce. Scribe Andrew Bergman has turned his not-quite-cult 1992 movie into a not-quite-knockout Broadway musical.  But with catchy tunes and clever lyrics, sweet comic turns, and a bevy of Elvis impersonators, this brassy little show might brighten up this town over the winter."
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The Hollywood Reporter
January 15th, 2015

"It's breezy and fun, full of toe-tapping numbers, witty design touches and frequent bursts of irreverent comic inspiration. But it sputters after a tremendously entertaining first act. This is a 2½-hour musical with maybe 90 minutes' worth of decent material. Ultimately, the show feels slight."
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Chicago Tribune
January 15th, 2015

"The sexist values of the show are not so much 1992 as 1952...This is, of course, an old-fashioned musical comedy, a genre not known for its progressive values. And the warm-centered tone is never crass or sleazy. Still, this thing badly needed the safety of some chronological remove, especially given that women buy most of the tickets to shows like this."
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New York Post
January 15th, 2015

"The rambunctious new musical “Honeymoon in Vegas” is old-fashioned and proud of it. A big orchestra pumps out a brassy, melodic score that nods to Sinatra’s ba-da-bing days. The wacky plot could have been lifted from a 1960s caper. If only parts of the story didn’t cross the line between old-school and antediluvian."
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