The Glass Menagerie (starring Sally Field)
Closed 2h 5m
The Glass Menagerie (starring Sally Field)

The Glass Menagerie (starring Sally Field) NYC Reviews and Tickets

(531 Ratings)
Members say
Great acting, Absorbing, Disappointing, Thought-provoking, Ambitious

About the Show

Two-time Academy Award winner Sally Field and two-time Tony Award winner Joe Mantello star in a new Broadway revival of Tennessee Williams' classic memory play about a faded Southern belle and her two children.

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179 Reviews | 29 Followers
Great acting, Great staging, Great writing, Masterful, Must see

See it if The engine that runs the show is Sally Field; she makes every moment memorable. Madison Ferris was born to play this role. I was completely

Don't see it if You are not a fan of Tennessee Williams’s dramatic plays. Read more

69 Reviews | 18 Followers
Riveting, Great acting, Enchanting, Intense, Must see

See it if you've been disappointed by every other production you've ever seen & you want the magic of seeing it as if it had just been written.

Don't see it if you bring expectations that it has to be just like your high school production was, only with famous people in it, or you won't like it.

52 Reviews | 14 Followers
Perfection onstage.

See it if you want a Glass Menagerie that focuses on the script: the metaphors Williams writes, the tension the circumstances create. Perfectly acted.

Don't see it if you want a traditional straight play. Gold's production gets into the head space of all the characters, not just Tom. Read more

83 Reviews | 26 Followers
Clever, Delightful, Great staging, Great acting, Great writing

See it if YOU MUST SEE THIS. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but it's superbly acted by everyone except for Laura. Loved every last second of this

Don't see it if For any reason. It's a memory play that for the first time seems to ME to be performed in the style that suits the piece best. LOVE IT

183 Reviews | 44 Followers
Ambitious, Provocative, Divisive, Electric, Profound

See it if You want to experience a stunning, provocative, and daring deconstruction of a major piece of the American canon.

Don't see it if you dislike modern European deconstruction, the work of Ivo van Hove, or if you have a reverence for Tennessee William's play. Read more

474 Reviews | 114 Followers
Great acting, Great staging, Absorbing, Resonant

See it if Superb acting by Sally Field as the mother who wants her disabled daughter to find a husband. Loved her "costume change" & the rain effects.

Don't see it if You prefer a modern drama instead. This is a classic but feels so fresh in this version.

73 Reviews | 5 Followers
Absorbing, Entertaining, Great acting, Great staging, Edgy

See it if Love Tennessee Williams and or Sally Field. Whole cast is incredible! If you like non traditional staging.

Don't see it if Hate non traditional theater or minimal sets or fantastical imagery.

60 Reviews | 34 Followers
Absorbing, Clever, Great acting, Great staging, Refreshing

See it if You want to see something familiar done in a new fashion.

Don't see it if You're married to your preconceived notions.

Critic Reviews (59)

The New York Times
March 9th, 2017

"Mr. Gold and his cast, led by an intrepid Sally Field, have dismantled a venerable classic, but darned if they can figure out how to put it back together again...This is a production in which subtext elbows text out of bounds...Less a thought-through interpretation than a sustained scene-study class...On occasion, Mr. Gold’s interpretation takes on the vicious aspect of a nightmare in which you see your past at its distorted worst. But even that vision is not sustained."
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Time Out New York
March 9th, 2017

"Sam Gold’s starkly compelling, bravely executed revival...It’s rare for a Broadway audience to face an iconic stage classic so radically and brutally 'interrogated.' For that reason alone, it is imperative that you see it...For all this production’s cerebral choices and cold, distancing design, the emotional impact is there: love, disgust, betrayal, shame and the longing for understanding. Yes, 'Menagerie' is memory, and I’ll not soon forget this shockingly fresh frame and angle."
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New York Magazine / Vulture
March 9th, 2017

"A rigorously de-romanticized, contemporary rethinking by director Sam Gold...It is nakedly, bracingly theatrical...By paring everything extraneous from the mise en scène, Gold and his designers are preparing the audience to embrace the exploratory nature of the production...Purists may yelp.’s a 'Glass Menagerie' that restores what must have been the shock of the original while also reframing our ideas about Williams as an imperfect person and a pitiless autobiographer."
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New Yorker
March 10th, 2017

"I couldn’t tell if my confused, hurt fury was caused by the pretentious and callous staging I had just witnessed or if my anger was a result of feeling robbed of the beauty of Williams’s script...Gold makes clear his desire to leave his mark on the play—at all costs, including the play itself...The actors tear through the script with little care for what is being said or how to say it...Gold puts a stop to the language by inserting himself and his own intellect where the Wingfields should be."
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The Wall Street Journal
March 9th, 2017

"Mr. Gold is apparently unhappy with reality—the play’s reality. So he creates a world of artifice more suited to his tastes...The results almost eclipse the two actors who lead the cast...Ferris barely hints at Laura’s shifting wisps of hope, shame and despair; neither do we get a sense of a fully developed private world...The night I saw her, Field was a monotone hysteric with time out for creepy sentimentality...Mr. Gold’s preferred figurine here is not glass, but leaden and sodden."
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March 9th, 2017

"This is not your parents’ 'Glass Menagerie'...For some theatergoers, this latest revival will be more of a nightmare than a dream of memory. Not for me...So we have a 'Glass Menagerie' that doubtless looks like nothing in Tennessee Williams’ imagination, and yet which in its way fullfills the playwright’s deepest desire, which was to invert the comforting conventions of 'realistic' theater and shake us to the core. That, Sam Gold has done, and then some. This is why we have revivals."
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New York Daily News
March 9th, 2017

"Revisionist reboots of modern classics can open your eyes—or make them glaze over. Broadway's stark, stripped-back new take on 'The Glass Menagerie' starring Sally Field lands, alas, in the latter category. Tennessee Williams’ 1945 masterwork has never emerged smaller, flatter or less poignant...On paper, it’s intriguing. In practice, it makes for a disjointed 'Glass' that is empty of emotion and impact. Intimacy gets lost when actors seem to be in different plays."
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March 9th, 2017

"A most unlikely candidate for deconstruction. But that doesn’t deter director Sam Gold from laying hands on this gem and subjecting it to a severe reinterpretation...Williams’s play has been stripped to the gut, shorn of its lyrical accoutrements and reduced to its raw text. But a strategy that might illuminate other dramas disregards the fact that these embellishments are intrinsic to the writer’s plays...Understated in the muted performances, the poetry is not quite lost, but diluted."
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