A Man For All Seasons (Fellowship for Performing Arts)
Closed 2h 30m
A Man For All Seasons (Fellowship for Performing Arts)

A Man For All Seasons (Fellowship for Performing Arts) NYC Reviews and Tickets

(54 Ratings)
Members say
Absorbing, Great acting, Great writing, Thought-provoking, Intelligent

About the Show

Robert Bolt's Tony-winning drama centering around Sir Thomas More asks a simple question: what price are you willing to pay to keep your convictions?

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Show-Score Member Reviews (54)

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141 Reviews | 28 Followers
Great staging, Refreshing, Masterful, Great acting, Absorbing

See it if Brilliant Acting & Staging

Don't see it if you don't like good drama and want a musical

259 Reviews | 117 Followers
The dangers of thought police

See it if you'd like a stage version of the 1966 film. Very fine, w/ a knockout punch on lethal dangers of thought policemen.

Don't see it if you dislike long think pieces; support statist invasions of private thoughts, reeducation camps and death penalties for those who disagree.

172 Reviews | 57 Followers
Intelligent, Great writing, Great acting, Clever, Absorbing

See it if While this show is produced from a Christian theater perspective, it didn't take away from the riveting production. Well acted and absorbing

Don't see it if If you don't like Tudor history, religious and moral debates.

239 Reviews | 68 Followers
Absorbing, Great acting, Great writing, Riveting, Thought-provoking

See it if You want to see a really compelling drama about a man who clung to his beliefs, whatever the consequences, but did so in the smartest way.

Don't see it if You don't want a long and talky drama.

387 Reviews | 43 Followers
Absorbing, Great acting, Great writing, Thought-provoking, Relevant

See it if you love the craft of theater and the power of words. Beautifully acted by all and this is the most human Sir Thomas More. A drama for all

Don't see it if you have no interest in history, human nature, current events or theater. This is not light entertainment but 21/2 hours of engrossing drama

524 Reviews | 72 Followers
Great acting, Absorbing, Intelligent, Funny, Thought-provoking

See it if you want to see a classic play performed to near perfection.

Don't see it if you don't like plays that make you think.

812 Reviews | 133 Followers
Absorbing, Great acting, Great staging, Great writing, Masterful

See it if you enjoy a well acted and staged drama about a person willing to die for his views. Wonderful dialogue and just a great play.

Don't see it if you like comedy or you only like new plays. Read more

524 Reviews | 134 Followers
Bolt's drama gets a small but compelling staging

See it if Well-done historical drama with fine performances by Countryman, McCormick, Wong and Dugan. Always engaging with nice set and costumes.

Don't see it if discussions of religion and ethics do not grab you. It can get abstruse and didactic -- but I eat this stuff up. Read more

Critic Reviews (15)

The New York Times
February 4th, 2019

"Ms. Scott-Reed’s uneven staging gets in the way of cohesiveness, though...The laugh lines often stumble, too. That’s despite some nice performances. Mr. Countryman is a warmly sympathetic More, and Ms. McCormick is magnetic...while John Ahlin is vivid and comical in two roles, as the ingratiating diplomat Chapuys and More’s enemy, Cardinal Wolsey. But this production otherwise denies More the requisite worthy adversaries, which throws off the equilibrium and dulls the storytelling."
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Time Out New York
January 23rd, 2019

"There are reasons Bolt’s drama is rarely performed nowadays. Long on talk and short on action, the play is a museum piece, and in this production the museum in question appears to be Madame Tussauds. Director Christa Scott-Reed's approach is painfully traditional. The uneven cast sports faux British accents...Since More's demise is a foregone conclusion, there's little dramatic tension, and the play’s arguments are more compelling intellectually than emotionally."
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New Yorker
January 25th, 2019

"A stirring piece of theatre...Michael Countryman is superb, heading an excellent cast. His Thomas is quiet, kind, witty, fiercely intelligent, and morally, perhaps foolishly, incorruptible. Matters of faith and conscience are a specialty of this company, and Bolt’s eloquent, dramatically paced play examines these issues in a riveting historical context."
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January 24th, 2019

"A middling off-Broadway revival...His story has real resonance in today's political climate, which the audience will easily grasp, provided it is able to stay awake...Bolt's musty, feinting-at-Tudor style belongs to an imagined past, rather than the fleshy reality of history...Matters aren't helped by director Christa Scott-Reed's by-the-book production...At every step, the creative team has cautiously declined to reimagine Bolt's play for a new century."
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Lighting & Sound America
February 1st, 2019

“You will find little or nothing in ‘A Man for All Seasons’ about More's theology and how it informs his life...Bolt's well-constructed, often-witty drama is a kind of manhunt...Scott-Reed's production is more than passable...Countryman is solid, if slightly colorless...If you've seen the likes of Bosco and Langella as More, this production can't help but disappoint...In any case, Bolt takes a most sensible approach, elegantly tracing the intrigues that brought down More."
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February 11th, 2019

"In recent years the play has not fared with such acclaim. A 2008 Broadway revival starring Frank Langella eliminated the narrator character, the play's cleverest device, and was not well received. Now Fellowship for the Performing Arts has brought the play to the Acorn Theatre directed by Christa Scott-Reed, who also staged FPA's revival of 'Shadowlands' last season. Unfortunately, the academic and unimaginative production fails to bring the ideas and the tensions in the play to a boil."
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January 31st, 2019

"A thoughtful, verbose drama...Unfortunately, this off-Broadway production by Fellowship for Performing Arts, fails to capture the colorful fascination of the era or the absorbing philosophical heart of the play...In this production, not only do we miss the economic ostentation of historical extravagance but creative staging...Despite its relevance, this revival lacks the theater qualities to rivet an audience."
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Theatre's Leiter Side
February 1st, 2019

"Invites the usual pseudo-Shakespearean acting…Countryman's low-keyed More lacks the brilliantly crafted, charismatic integrity…of…Scofield's magnificent original…However, Countryman's…conflicted soul is more humanly affecting and down-to-earth…than Langella's pompously dull version of 10 years ago…Scott-Reed's blandly conventional production resembles something one might have seen in a college or community theatre 50 years ago."
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