A Walk With Mr. Heifetz
Closed 1h 40m
A Walk With Mr. Heifetz

A Walk With Mr. Heifetz NYC Reviews and Tickets

(138 Ratings)
Members say
Intelligent, Slow, Thought-provoking, Absorbing, Great acting

About the Show

Based on true events, Primary Stages's world premiere drama tells the story of how music helped Israel find its cultural identity during its formative years.

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Show-Score Member Reviews (138)

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34 Reviews | 6 Followers
Absorbing, Clever, Entertaining, Intelligent, Quirky

See it if You want to know more about Heifetz.

Don't see it if History and biographical shows bore you.

96 Reviews | 30 Followers
Cliched, Dated, Disappointing, Fluffy, Slow

See it if you really want to see something about the history of Israel/Zionism

Don't see it if you're looking for an interesting, engaging way to learn history. this is quite boring

26 Reviews | 18 Followers
Clever, Great Staging, Quirky

See it if you like Israeli history,if you like pivotal lesser known characters in Israeli history, if you like being transported in time to a kibbutz.

Don't see it if you like plays that spoon feed you, if you are uninterested in the Israeli politics of the 1930's and 1940's.

105 Reviews | 58 Followers
Boring, Disappointing, Fails To Make Us Care, Not Surprised It'S The Playwright'S 1st Play

See it if you're strongly pro-Israel &/or would enjoy anything to do with Israeli history, even if the play itself is poorly written & constructed.

Don't see it if you want an interesting, cohesive play that gives you a reason to care about what's onstage, esp if you're not already strongly pro-Israel. Read more

761 Reviews | 167 Followers
Absorbing, Ambitious, Inadequate, Slow, Thought-Provoking

See it if you are interested in the violent development of the Israeli state, the role of art in politics, the impact of grief, brotherly relationship

Don't see it if you're not interested in 20th century history of the Israeli state, don't know much about the Sharret brothers, not into Israeli music

29 Reviews | 6 Followers
Dated, Indulgent, Slow

See it if You have an affection for all stories Jewish and WW2 -y

Don't see it if You are over easy tropes used to tell antiquated stories.

193 Reviews | 21 Followers

See it if you are so fascinated with the modern history of Palestine that you don't need much of a story. Acting was excellent but did not save it.

Don't see it if You require a basic plot and not just arm-waving about principles.

506 Reviews | 1010 Followers
Ambitious, Great Acting, Great Staging, Relevant

See it if you want to see some good acting a beautiful set, an interesting topic & some nice background violin work. Pre Israel, Israel ..the setting

Don't see it if you need a history lesson. It sometimes gets bogged down in the minutia.

Critic Reviews (12)

The New York Times
February 20th, 2018

"A play constructed for the sake of an argument...Mr. Inverne wants to make a point about the vital role of music in establishing a culture...But for all the biography in it, this play is an awkward amalgam of hastily sketched history, which will read clearly only to those who already know it, and stories told in detail to characters who would surely not be hearing them for the first time...A show that often aims much higher than it can reach."
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February 20th, 2018

"These are all astute observations made by a writer who has thought deeply about Israeli history and the role music had in shaping it. Inverne, however, forgets to infuse his thoughts with dramatic stakes to make his characters more than just mouthpieces for his reflections...Violinist Mariella Haubs is the most moving element of the production...It's a peek into the emotional dimensions the play could have explored, and a disappointing realization of how much was left on the table."
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Lighting & Sound America
February 21st, 2018

"Inverne's rather chatty and sedate drama about art, history, and politics...Its dramatic boiling point remains so high that it never escapes a certain quietude...Leynse's direction maintains a civil tone throughout, which may be a mistake...'A Walk with Mr. Heifetz' has a lot on its mind, and most of it is intelligently expressed, but it rarely rises to the level of drama. It's hard to believe in the transformative power of art when the drama onstage is so earnest and so given to speechmaking.'
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February 22nd, 2018

“Although an interesting idea, James Inverne's ‘A Walk With Mr. Heifetz’ has lofty ambitions which it is unable to fulfill. While the advertisement proclaims that these two encounters ‘changed the world as we know it,’ none of that comes through in the play. The thinness of the material and the two-dimensional characters fail to bring the story to life. Much more needs to be known or revealed to flesh out this intriguing but undramatized story.”
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February 20th, 2018

"Interesting but didactic...Leynse does what he can to keep our interest alive...The play's willingness to keep the three characters talking about the role the artist plays in nurturing and also empowering a nationalistic musical esthetic is, however, not quite enough to satisfy our thirst for more intense drama. It is fascinating to hear how the tune that was to become the Israeli national anthem was found. What hasn't been found is a compelling enough story to tie all the rhetoric together."
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Theater Pizzazz
February 22nd, 2018

"What little drama is present is overshadowed by historical and aesthetic issues…Plays can get away with talky, polemical considerations only when they're embedded in strong dramatic circumstances, with interesting characters. Here, the characters are little more than mouthpieces for ideas; just because they're embedded in the grand drama of Israel's birth or are accompanied by optimistic visions of the future, artistic and political, doesn't make them stageworthy."
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Front Row Center
February 21st, 2018

"A seminar on the history of Israel that manages to be one-sided and absent of fireworks of any sort...Plot is nowhere to be found...No drama...The actors do the very best they can, but neither their work, nor the beautiful music, nor Leynse's direction are enough...Inverne intended this play to be a story that captured the passion of a people prepared to sacrifice anything to have a home. Instead he ended up with a play that has all the intrigue of a warm bowl of milk. A missed opportunity."
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Stage Buddy
March 6th, 2018

"In his debut as a playwright, Inverne is able to convey his deeply-felt emotion about Israel but his characters are too simply drawn and he touches on too many themes. Despite a good performance by Yuval Boim as Yehuda, the character is distracting and seems unable to focus...It deals with many themes and often they become interwoven and too complicated...In a good historical drama you can actually learn something too."
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