Closed 1h 20m NYC: Midtown E
28% 1 reviews
(1 Rating)
Members say
Edgy, Indulgent, Disappointing

About the Show

A new play from Britain about a pair of sisters, one of whom lives in reality and the other who may or may not be undead. Part of 59E59's "Brits Off-Broadway" Festival.

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Critic Reviews (22)

The New York Times
June 9th, 2015

"This, er, bloodcurdling vampire drama makes most movies, books or plays about the famously undead, however gory, seem like sweet little bedtime stories...'Cuddles,' directed with a sharp sense of suspense, is a vampire yarn on the surface, but beneath lies a dark story of guilt, the sometimes destructive force of love and how one mind may be irrevocably poisoned by another."
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New York Post
June 10th, 2015

"The vampire story has been done to death — but 'Cuddles' puts a fantastic spin on it...The show creates an atmosphere of suspenseful dread...Just when you think you have a handle on the story, Wilde throws in a twist. 'You’re not the only monster in this house, Eve,' Tabby says. 'Remember that.' You won’t forget, either."
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Theatre is Easy
June 10th, 2015

"How much of this story have we lost in the play’s constant vague allusions to the past? We only get a faint suggestion for the series of unfortunate events that led to Eve’s reclusive life. The mystery is certainly fun to watch, and I recommend this show to anyone who wants a fresh take on vampire or suspense stories. I for one would be interested to see how this gruesome story grows in future productions."
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Exeunt Magazine
June 15th, 2015

"'Cuddles' offers plenty of moments of real humor, even as this psychologically dark play asks its audience to contemplate both the horrors and prevalence of abuse...At times 'Cuddles' seems a little confused as to just what type of play it is trying to be, although it does succeed in entertaining and horrifying in equal measure...Without wanting to reveal too much, it is enough to say that 'Cuddles' ends with a bang, a chill, and a question."
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Theatre's Leiter Side
June 15th, 2015

"Joseph Wilde’s engrossing, brilliantly performed, two-character vampire play...beautifully mixes black humor with its more creepy elements (vividly present), using language both vulgar and poetic. It examines the struggle for love and happiness in two desperately twisted people, and how difficult it is to be human."
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June 10th, 2015

"At its core, 'Cuddles' is a profoundly alienating story, at times cold, disgusting or just simply hopeless. Summoning up emotions theater audiences may not be accustomed to experiencing in such a venue, it is certainly an acquired taste. But for its unflinching, graphic depiction of two young women fighting against the demons within their own family, 'Cuddles' deserves a round of applause."
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New York Theatre Review
June 9th, 2015

"Staging a horror piece without over employing the innate theatricality available in a stage production or sacrificing the integrity of the story is a difficult task and can come across as cheesy. 'Cuddles' was not without these cheapening effects but for the most part the two actors were able to sustain the atmosphere through the simple moments they shared...It brings with it a reality that is completely unsettling. It’s that reality that makes it scary, and left my stomach churning."
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May 16th, 2013
For a previous production

"Arch 468 aims to make challenging theatre and "Cuddles" certainly delivers that brief. Whether its message is a little too heavy-handed and its drama a little too one-paced may be debatable. What's not debatable is the commitment shown by two actors with their emotions dialed up to 10 for over an hour without a break."
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