"'Devoted Dreams' is a mind-boggling production...Despite the short-sighted production values, there are also structural problems in the script which were not concealed in the slightest by the casting decisions and certainly didn’t help the actors. Though it is true in some cases that less is more, in this particular situation the concept might as well be thrown out the window.
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"The play asks interesting questions about what makes for a fulfilled life...The play would benefit greatly from some cuts and maybe an added conclusion...If you like theatre that asks questions, you might want to check out 'Devoted Dreams.'"
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"It seems like a bad acting class in Shakespearean style and vocal technique...This play is somewhat hard to follow...'Devoted Dreams' is as muddled as a multi-scene, multi-character, semi-fable can be."
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"There are moments that the play falls to predictable caricatures and stereotypes, giving both director and actors clear limitations. Some jokes don’t really land and there are parts in the dialogue that throw too much information at us, like discussing the illegal transfer of funds. However if you enjoy pondering philosophical questions, there is an opportunity to do so in 'Devoted Dreams'."
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"The writer explores worthwhile topics and attempts to raise important questions. Unfortunately he provides us with answers that are trite and simplistic, through one-dimensional characters and a fairly misogynistic point of view. Clichés abound."
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