
Education NYC Reviews and Tickets

(72 Ratings)
Members say
Relevant, Great acting, Absorbing, Thought-provoking, Intelligent

About the Show

59E59 presents this explosive new play about free speech, the dangers of polarization, and using art as a means for change.

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Show-Score Member Reviews (72)

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290 Reviews | 93 Followers
Great acting, Great staging, Great writing, Thought-provoking, Must see

See it if You want to educate yourself on the issues of education. It's timely, passionate and takes you into the political landscape of what counts.

Don't see it if You want a light fluff play. This one challenges and makes you think about our planet.

522 Reviews | 99 Followers
Absorbing, Clever, Entertaining, Great acting, Great writing

See it if you believe in a world where the freedom of ideas and speech are as important to you as breathing.

Don't see it if you want to continue to live in a world where censorship rules and burying your head in the sand is how you survive. Read more

98 Reviews | 18 Followers
Great acting, Great writing, Relevant, Thought-provoking, Absorbing

See it if Like relevant social commentary from a youth perspective, extremely believable acting

Don't see it if Are uncomfortable with swearing and religious commentary that is not always positive. Read more

168 Reviews | 22 Followers
Great acting, Entertaining, Great writing

See it if The actors were people youcould readily understand.Their points of view might differ from your own but they made you question your own views


286 Reviews | 23 Followers
Great acting, Intense

See it if You want to watch superb actors handle an interesting, relevant new story.

Don't see it if You aren't interested in plays discussing topical subjects of censorship.

64 Reviews | 16 Followers
Absorbing, Great acting, Great writing

See it if You like a political drama with some exceptional performances by a small cast.

Don't see it if If you have rather conservative views on the process for political suppression of expression.

50 Reviews | 6 Followers
Great acting, Great writing, Intelligent, Relevant, Thought-provoking

See it if you appreciate great writing and great acting in a currently relevant subject

Don't see it if if you don't care about the above

51 Reviews | 12 Followers
Entertaining, Absorbing, Funny, Great acting, Refreshing

See it if you like intelligent, surprising, thoughtful writing and great acting.

Don't see it if you don't like talky plays or plays that explore ideas.

Critic Reviews (7)

The New York Times
March 15th, 2018

“Hard to locate any actual conflicts…Mostly these characters talk over and around each other, quibbling over semantics instead of articulating ideas. A lot of the dialogue is forgettable...The words themselves wouldn’t matter so much if the play and the arguments that undergird it were more credible…Outside the theater, real-life teenagers are organizing behind a political movement that is coherent in its aims and persuasive in its message. I don’t think they’d recognize themselves here.”
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March 14th, 2018

"The best stage rants are targeted and precise...By aiming at every target, Mick's rant hits none of them - and this gives us a pretty good indication of the direction of the rest of the play....Perry's production does little to enhance a predictable script...Although Perry's unimaginative staging mostly has the actors gesturing and moving forward on each line, exciting performances do occasionally escape her clutches...We learn almost nothing from 'Education', and feel even less."
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Lighting & Sound America
March 20th, 2018

"Showcases Dykstra's talent for composing rants. Time and again, the characters in his provocative, if overloaded, drama spout off, furiously and eloquently...One's initial delight fades as the characters are overtaken by speechmaking...'Education' isn't really a success, but it's the work of a playwright who is willing to take on all sides of an argument, sending it spinning in all directions and the hell with the consequences. And his strong words can seem like a revivifying blast of fresh air."
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March 26th, 2018

“‘Education,’ Brian Dykstra's new play, is an incendiary investigation into censorship, free speech and responsibility in electric theater. It purports to be about Art as a Weapon but its themes go much further than that. The protagonist Mick, a biracial 17-year-old high school senior, has a rant that list all the things wrong with American society at this time which is simply scorching. All high school students should be so articulate.”
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Theater Pizzazz
March 14th, 2018

"The conversation grabs attention from the moment the lights come up...What doesn't work is Mick and Bekka as a believable devoted couple. There is simply no chemistry between Jones and West...The script is close to flawless with flowing dialogue and wonderfully developed characters...Teenage audience members are sure to relate to the pressures and responsibilities...Adults will recognize the many ways art has been used as an effective weapon in the last few decades."
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Theatre's Leiter Side
March 15th, 2018

"Pushes a lot of hot buttons but the play itself very rarely ignites…There's plenty of potential here for a spirited discussion drama… However, not only is there too much to digest, Dykstra's overly contrived dramaturgy deprives the issues of characters and situations believable enough to warrant us making more than a shallow investment in their problems…There's a feeling of schematic contrivance behind every scene and debate, with the characters more strawmen and women than human beings."
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Plays to See
March 16th, 2018

"'Education' is a clever, passionate, and engaging discussion on the helpless frustration of needing to make a stand; however, while it definitely wants to educate its audience, it slips into the trap of many who are convinced of what they have to say – being too proud of its own cleverness...'Education’s' language occasionally gets caught up in itself, as though the characters are speaking past each other...Yet as the show progresses past these small pitfalls...the show finds its rhythm."
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