(42 Ratings)
Members say
Thought-provoking, Great acting, Absorbing, Relevant, Edgy

About the Show

A devised theater piece inspired by true events, "Exposed" tells the story of Lauren, a college freshman who chooses to do adult films to pay for her tuition. 

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Critic Reviews (7)

February 13th, 2019

"It is the kind of show that raises eyebrows for some and brings others to ponder what it would be like to release the sexual 'freak' within. Either way, I'm not sure if it comes as a shock to audiences in this progressive world of ours...Never have I seen a show that both compels us to experiment with our innermost desires and cause us to think about them at the same time...The story would not have been told as perfectly as it was without a stellar cast and crew."
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February 11th, 2019

"The play is a thoughtful and illuminating look at the attractions and perils of a career in adult entertainment. Lauren's story is a cautionary tale, yes, but the underlying attitude of the play is 'sex positive.' Heckler and her associates do not shame Lauren/Scarlett for choosing to be open and unashamed about her sexuality. Yes, they show that a life in porn can be a dicey and occasionally harrowing proposition, brimming with a high quotient of misogynistic and creepy behavior."
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Theatre is Easy
February 12th, 2019

"Kristen Heckler’s staging is artful and tasteful, which is impressive considering it includes representations of a multitude of sexual acts and positions...The script is organic and honest, and as performed by this excellent three-person cast, never feels forced...Its structure could use revision...While 'Exposed' is an enjoyable enough piece, with much to recommend, I’m confused about what Heckler and the cast want me to take away from this experience."
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Times Square Chronicles
February 18th, 2019

“All three performers are terrific...Heckler’s direction is masterful. This show has a lot of sex scenes that are well handled, yet don’t shy away from the what is happening...Though graphic, you are not made to feel ill at ease or that you are a voyeur...There is partial nudity, strong language due to the nature of the subject but, the play is well-crafted and filled with humor...This show is well done on all levels and is truly worth seeing. Bravo.”
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February 10th, 2019

"Brilliantly written, directed and acted, this 85 minute intermission-less play seems to go by with the blink of an eye...Humor, simulated sex scenes and Lauren's dilemmas make this nuanced show both deep and resonant...The other two actors in this play are equally superb...The play shines on every level. Surely, this play with its fine acting, can and should go to a bigger house when it's run is done at MCS."
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February 10th, 2019

"One of those ‘hidden gems’. Brilliantly written, directed and acted, this 85 minute intermission-less play seems to go by with the blink of an eye...Heckler’s conception of this play is brilliant, as is her direction. Humor, simulated sex scenes and Lauren’s dilemmas make this nuanced show both deep and resonant...’Exposed’ is magnificent. The play shines on every level. Surely this play with it’s fine acting can, and should go to a bigger house when it’s run is done at MCS.”
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On Stage Blog
February 10th, 2019

"These polarizing subjects tease the audience like foreplay that never quite satisfies, staying superficial...Raimondi’s turbo-charged effervescence gives way to an incredibly nuanced, powerful performance...Riveting performances by Phillips and Sherrow...Ms. Heckler’s direction and the ensemble’s script are equal parts shockingly brave and vulnerable, a raw dissection of one girl’s decisions magnifying a nation’s sickness."
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