“Bray’s writing is intense, often striving for absurdist comedy...It’s all rather baffling, somewhat interesting and mildly entertaining...The rambunctious stewpot of a plot is a mélange of early Shepard and Vonnegut...With tremendous flair, director Anna Hogan manages to harness enough stage wizardry to keep this all going for a focused one hour and 45 minutes while fulfilling Bray’s epic vision...Either be a profound exploration of substantive themes or an enjoyably avant-garde diversion.”
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"Many soldiers who come home must deal with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Bray's 'Friendly’s Fire’ is the fantastic story of one such soldier...'Friendly's Fire’ includes bright colors, honeycomb shapes, and allusions to duty, heroism, and conformity, as well as music...and feedback that is all both comforting and intrusively necessary...It's a fabulous, open-hearted ride that fans of Terry Gilliam will surely enjoy.”
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“A play incredibly moving in story and almost psychedelic in atmosphere...This play is rich in metaphor and the excitement builds as each connection is made. The metaphorical portions of the play were so rich that they partially overshadowed the more realistic scenes that bookended the play. These felt slightly out of place but by no means...derail the story...An adventure...It kept me engaged. It moved me. It left me with plenty of questions and desperate for more.”
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