Henry V (BAM)
Henry V (BAM)
Closed 2h 55m NYC: Brooklyn
84% 20 reviews
(20 Ratings)
Members say
Great acting, Great staging, Absorbing, Masterful, Intelligent

About the Show

BAM, the Royal Shakespeare Company, and The Ohio State University present the final chapter of Shakespeare's four plays about the House of Lancaster.

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Critic Reviews (21)

The New York Times
April 4th, 2016

"Mr. Hassell’s Hal pivots convincingly from errant playboy to determined warrior, and ultimately, of course, to an inspiring Henry V...After many hours of discord and strife, the final scene of 'Henry V' lands with particular grace...Mr. Hassell and Jennifer Kirby’s tangle-tongued flirtation tugs joyfully at the heart...As the cycle comes to an end, we witness another king making the same descent not in resignation but with gallantry and pure youthful pleasure."
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Time Out New York
April 6th, 2016

"Superbly mounted by the Royal Shakespeare Company under the firm, intelligent (and often funny) direction of Gregory Doran...Handsome and slyly charismatic, Hassell crafts the most complex, coherent Prince Hal I’ve ever seen, a privileged bully and sullen subject all at once."
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New York Magazine / Vulture
April 6th, 2016

"The most difficult of the four to stage, with its many battle and encampment scenes. With the same few actors running in diagonals in flashing light, the production seemed to have run out of tricks and troops. The laughs here are also less hearty...It would almost be a downer were it not for the post-victory scene...Suddenly we are in the world of the great romantic comedies, with their access, through humor, to profound human feeling. This unexpected gift sends you out on a high."
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The Hollywood Reporter
April 4th, 2016

"The productions fully succeed in their goal of plunging us into their world of royal intrigues and epic battles...Alex Hassell has the challenging task of portraying the dissolute Prince Hal's elevation into the commanding figure capable of stirring his troops to battlefield glory. He's more effective in the former aspect, not quite displaying the needed charismatic presence later on...But it's an intelligent performance enlivened by welcome doses of humor."
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Entertainment Weekly
April 13th, 2016

"The best draw of the RSC’s 'King and Country' cycle is an actor named Alex Hassell, who stars as the wayward, ne’er-do-well prince in 'Henry IV' and an unexpectedly strong king in Henry V...'Henry V' is the one to see...In 'Henry V' alone, once you watch him motivating his troops in a tear-inducing 'band of brothers' speech and win the heart of Princess Katherine, you’ll be ready to follow 'this star of England' just about anywhere."
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AM New York
April 4th, 2016

"Meant for those who like to see Shakespeare plays performed by a seasoned cast, in a traditional style, with lavish production values and without any cuts to the text...Gregory Doran (artistic director of the RSC) stages the entire cycle with liveliness, medieval flair and textual clarity, bringing out multilayered performances from his large cast, many of whom appear in multiple plays."
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April 13th, 2016

"As Hassell assumes the role of the most triumphant king in the Shakespeare canon, he never allows us to lose sight of the charming rapscallion we first met in Part 1. Rather, he uses those skills he honed in the tavern in his new position, especially during a delightful scene in which he woos Princess Katherine...The Henriad is an astounding and sweeping tale, brought to glorious life by the careful work of Doran. Catch it while it lasts."
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April 20th, 2016

“Performed in rotating repertory with a cast of 31 accomplished British actors who continue in their roles in each play in which their characters appear, the four productions all by Gregory Doran, artistic director of the RSC, are lucid, absorbing and accessible. Whether you get to see the plays in chronological order or just one of these stand-alone plays, you will have an unforgettable experience in drama, history and Shakespeare.”
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