Indian Summer
Indian Summer
Closed 2h 10m NYC: Midtown W
80% 131 reviews
(131 Ratings)
Members say
Great acting, Funny, Entertaining, Delightful, Romantic

About the Show

Playwrights Horizons presents this new romantic comedy about two 16-year-olds who forge an unlikely friendship amidst the class warfare in a small Rhode Island town.

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Critic Reviews (24)

The New York Times
June 9th, 2016

"Although the play’s four characters are given sensitive readings by the fine cast, Mr. Moss’s play remains so muted that it feels like an overcast day at the shore...It feels vaguely formulaic, as if assembled from a kit to create, well, the kind of delicate-hued, funny-sad plays that Annie Baker specializes in. All the talk of the ocean brings to mind the play’s flaws: it has a washed-out, watery quality, and the characters, while agreeable company, are not exactly bottomlessly interesting."
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Time Out New York
June 8th, 2016

"A warm and gently breezy new play about teenage love on the Rhode Island seashore…The touchingly tentative coming-of-age dialogue of the first act is not quite matched by that of the second, but the engaging cast puts the play’s cosmic mildness across. Although Moss dips his toe into the dark and vast waters of the ocean, he doesn’t let it linger there for long. He’s more interested in what the tide brings in, however briefly, before washing it away along with who knows what else."
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New York Theatre Guide
June 9th, 2016

"'Indian Summer' is a gem of a script that contrasts the gorgeously bittersweet throes of young summer romance with the melancholy ache of being elderly and alone...Moss has written a story that masterfully absorbs the viewer into the journey...Director Carolyn Cantor does a brilliant job staging the action and empowering the actors to play to their strengths. The cast is superlative and perfectly placed in their roles."
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New York Daily News
June 9th, 2016

"Life’s a beach in Gregory Moss’s coming-of-age dramedy. Abandoned by his mom, 16-year-old Daniel (Campbell) clicks with 17-year-old Izzy (Kibler), a local girl with an attitude and a beefy older boyfriend Jeremy (Tippett)...After a promising start, the play crumbles sandcastle-style due to cartoonish characters, an over-explanation of its themes and plot detours."
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June 8th, 2016

"A complex (and somewhat sleepy) meditation on lost opportunities…Moss has some important insights about the nature of relationships, the injustice of circumstance, and the cruelty of time, but those observations would be a lot more impactful in a better-edited play. Presently, watching 'Indian Summer' feels a lot like hunting for a lost wedding ring in a watery cloud of sand and seaweed: We know something truly valuable is there, but it is hard to discern through all the muck."
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June 9th, 2016

"A genial, if rather standard, coming-of-age play…There's some lovely writing when Daniel and Izzy start indirectly expressing affection for each other, and a bit of weirdness when George asks the teenage girl to put on one of his deceased wife's dresses and have a conversation with his as if she were her, but director Carolyn Cantor's strong cast is charming and 'Indian Summer' is a sweet bit of romantic nostalgia."
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Lighting & Sound America
June 9th, 2016

"'Indian Summer' is an odd, but affecting, one - a romantic comedy and a meditation on loss, a tough-minded look at the fragility of relationships, and a sometimes illogically plotted tale that nevertheless makes clear how small choices can lead to unexpected results. The production benefits enormously from the sensitive performances of its cast...Moss doesn't go in for dramatic fireworks; instead he understands that the most profound effects are felt beneath the surface."
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Talkin' Broadway
June 8th, 2016

"A lot of fraught talk about vague things and half-realized emotions, which results in what is, however comfy, a fraught, vague, and half-realized play…The conflicting notions of what the play is prevent it from ever fully cohering...The acting, though honest, is on the befuddled side…Daniel and Izzy's final scene together is a powerful tribute to the dying art of subtext. But as a whole, 'Indian Summer' fails because it wants everything but is willing to compromise on nothing."
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