Iphigenia in Splott
Closed 1h 20m
Iphigenia in Splott

Iphigenia in Splott NYC Reviews and Tickets

(98 Ratings)
Members say
Great acting, Absorbing, Intense, Edgy, Riveting

About the Show

Sherman Theatre presents a contemporary drama inspired by the Greek myth, which drives home the high price people pay for society's shortcomings. Part of 59E59's annual Brits Off Broadway festival.

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Show-Score Member Reviews (98)

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84 Reviews | 10 Followers
Ambitious, Absorbing, Great acting, Edgy, Resonant

See it if you enjoy ambitious one person plays written with verve, imagination, compassion performed by a riveting actor

Don't see it if you do not find language-dense plays of interest

93 Reviews | 15 Followers
Tour de force, Great actress, Great staging, Great writing, Masterful

See it if You like quality work in an intimate space.

Don't see it if You have trouble understanding and getting used to a strong dialect. In this case Welsh. Read more

80 Reviews | 17 Followers
Great acting, Edgy, Masterful, Intense, Must see

See it if You want to see the best performance by an actress you're ever likely to see on stage. In an incredibly written, relevant, gritty play.

Don't see it if Bad language offends you, or you're looking for something light and fluffy. Or you don't like one person shows.

112 Reviews | 28 Followers
Must see, Intense, Thought-provoking, Relevant, Great acting

See it if you enjoy retellings of classic tales, fearless females, unique perspectives, and thought-provoking theatre done extremely well.

Don't see it if you can't understand Welsh accents or if your masculinity is too fragile to handle a strong, messy woman's story. Read more

803 Reviews | 253 Followers
Great acting, Riveting, Edgy, Masterful, Relevant

See it if Amazing solo performance. I was drawn into the character's intense experiences. How much of her suffering was fate vs. her own choice?

Don't see it if You are not interested in themes of class disadvantage and alcoholism in a caring but impulsive character.

139 Reviews | 19 Followers
Absorbing, Powerful, Great acting, Edgy, Tough

See it if an intense performance of an individual's recognition and trying to overcome their own obstructions interests you

Don't see it if a tough, harsh, aggressive dialogue makes you uncomfortable

254 Reviews | 138 Followers
Absorbing, Exquisite, Great acting, Hilarious, Masterful

See it if If you can get past a thick Welsh accent (I love it) you will see a tour-de-force one woman show that take a place beside PONDLING & CUDDLES

Don't see it if Thick Welsh accent, some profanity upsets you

96 Reviews | 24 Followers
Ambitious, Great acting, Edgy, Intense, Relevant

See it if An intimate theatre experience with grit, edge and a TREMENDOUS tour-de-force performance. It's a provoking 80 minutes I won't soon forget.

Don't see it if You have difficulty with accents, sexual themes, some screaming, and intense situations. This is not fluff. Bring your brain... and heart.

Critic Reviews (27)

The New York Times
May 17th, 2017

"I first met Effie last year...I’d almost forgotten the disturbing, exciting pleasures of her company in this fast and furious production, directed to scorch by O’Riordan...'Splott' is a work with a confrontational social conscience, a state of mind that’s rarely conducive to subtlety. But though its conclusion has a didactic abruptness, Owen’s script otherwise operates on a seductively sensory level, in which we seem to absorb fully the nature of a woman and her world by osmosis."
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May 14th, 2017

"It exceeds our expectations with a surprisingly sensitive story by playwright Gary Owen and a winning performance from Sophie Melville...Effie's behavior becomes less shocking and more sympathetic as the play progresses. By the end, we even come to see her as noble in certain ways, an impressive feat for the kind of character most of us would cross the street to avoid...You may not walk away from 'Iphigenia in Splott' loving the protagonist, but it is hard not to respect her."
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May 16th, 2017

“This superbly crafted one-woman show features excellent staging and an awe-inspiring performance…A deeply affecting view of humanity with all of its promise and pain…Sophie Melville is stunning as Effie. She captures the drama, passion and occasional humor of her challenging role. Effie is a dynamic character, one that is at first seems nasty and contentious, but later evokes sympathy...Melville masters all of these dimensions…A gripping, must-see play for metro area audiences.”
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Lighting & Sound America
May 15th, 2017

"The playwright's attempt at making her into a transformational figure of suffering doesn't really fly...Without an actress of Melville's powers, Effie might be insufferable. There's no worry of that here; Melville, a petite blonde with a massive presence, holds our attention as if through sheer force of will...Even if 'Iphigenia in Splott' is more a collection of vivid passages than a fully realized play, Owen is clearly a gifted writer, and Melville shows definite signs of incipient stardom."
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Talkin' Broadway
May 14th, 2017

"Gary Owen's sizzling monologue of a play...And what a tale it is, encompassing both tough-gal rants and an unexpectedly painful and tender account of raw vulnerability...Thanks to the playwright's perfect ear for the language of his protagonist, Sophie Melville's thrilling performance, and Rachel O'Riordan's direction, our hearts go out to Effie and stay with her through the highs and lows of the entire rest of the 80-minute play."
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May 14th, 2017

"Sophie Melville’s electrifying performance as a disaffected young woman surviving in a depressed Welsh town is the muscle of playwright Gary Owen’s intensely bleak solo play...Melville powerfully enlivens this tough 80 minutes. She is simultaneously hilarious and heartbreaking, and heroically surmounts the challenging material...The writing is poetically descriptive and moderately engrossing...Director Rachel O’Riordan’s dynamic staging injects compelling visual flourishes."
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Theatre is Easy
May 16th, 2017

“Gary Owen’s ingeniously contemporary adaptation...The language of the play is deliciously raucous and the story flows through your veins like jolts of electricity…Melville’s portrayal of Effie is perfection…A lean production without a single unnecessary stroke…The play also taps into important social issues…Offers one of the most satisfying theatrical experiences around, with top-notch writing and an electrifying solo performer, and does so in a way that almost seems effortless.”
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Theater Pizzazz
May 14th, 2017

"Tour de force...Sophie Melville captivates in an eviscerating, powerful performance...Owen’s script turns on a dime and Melville runs this marathon, pacing the space like a panther, owning the audience from moment one. The acting and production are theater at its most forceful and engaging. Intelligent, moving, highly relevant at sparking conversation on the wide-range of issues Effie raises...An incisive, powerful production."
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