"If the premise of the play isn't particularly fresh there are several moments of hilarity that make the show entertaining enough...Liebert effectively injects a screwball spirit into a play that relies too much on crassness and absurdity, at times stretching punchlines way past their expiration date...actors give each other enough room to deliver jokes and develop chemistry...The play doesn't overstay its welcome and ends on a note that elevates everything else that came before it."
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"The raunchy humor of Phillips’ writing is matched by Ben Liebert's dynamic direction, which gives a fine cast many opportunities to become physical...'Koalas Are Dicks' is a delight for those who are into rough adult humor with a hint of the absurd, especially if they despise show business. And the unexpected ending is truly rewarding and brings the one-note sitcom tone of the play to a new dramatic level."
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"Perched on the perfect premise for a farce. Unfortunately, the play struggles for cohesion, consistency, and clarity...Had Phillips been more shrewdly selective, focused and tightly structured, much of his catch could have played quite effectively. As it stands, the play struggles between ideas and execution, ultimately thwarting any success as a farce...If Phillips were to revisit the script, he would do well to consider the crossroads of comedy, tragedy, and farce."
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"It's a fairly well structured play; a decently crafted ride from start to finish. It's just not for me...Madcap hilariousness should be in full swing, and it is, if adolescent humor and ridiculousness is your cup of tea. If not, the play tends to wear pretty thin even as it merrily rolls along...If this is your kind of humor...you’ll have a good time and you won’t sweat the small stuff, enjoying the raunchy humor of this play....If it is not, and I'm definitely in the camp, you will tend to get a bit worn out."
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"It’s an evening of bad behavior, and essentially an extended sketch. And Phillips can’t sustain it, though he comes up with some fun ways of trying...It’s cheerfully amoral, and one wishes Ben Liebert, the director, had brought more discipline to it. His directorial style is largely have-the-actors-face-front-and-shout...This stuff probably plays better in L.A....'Koalas Are Dicks' is potty-mouthed and inconsequential, but you’ll probably have a good time."
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