Locusts Have No King
Locusts Have No King
Closed 1h 30m NYC: Midtown W
85% 13 reviews
(13 Ratings)
Members say
Intelligent, Riveting, Edgy, Ambitious, Intense

About the Show

INTAR presents the Off-Broadway premiere of 'Locusts Have No King,' a dark and comedic drama about two gay couples and the one simple choice that threatens to change all of their lives forever.

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Critic Reviews (9)

The New York Times
April 5th, 2016

"Funny though the play is, the surprising and rather lovely thing about 'Locusts Have No King' is that it never treats its characters or their vocation as punch lines...Strange things happen throughout the evening...All of this eeriness is meant to build toward a culminating, heightened moment that unfortunately doesn’t work. Neither does the argument that leads up to it...The strength of 'Locusts Have No King' is in its emotional and philosophical underpinnings."
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March 30th, 2016

"Under the sly direction of David Mendizábal, the truth behind this wickedly delicious play reveals itself in a tantalizingly slow striptease....Unfortunately, the playwright squanders the tension he and Mendizábal so meticulously build up on a somewhat incoherent finale. Still, the drama up to that breaking point is palpable, inescapably driven by a volatile mix of fear and disillusionment. 'Locusts Have No King' smartly captures the lengths to which we will go to protect our privilege."
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Lighting & Sound America
March 31st, 2016

"'Locusts Have No King' is a pretty turgid affair, with leaden exposition and endless foreshadowing of the crisis to come...I can't explain any of this except to add that it leads directly to the nuttiest ending of any play I've seen this season. Under the sometimes awkward direction of David Mendizábal, they do their best to put some sting into their wisecracks...There's probably a good, maybe even great, play inside this material, but Christopher doesn't have the skill to get at it."
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March 31st, 2016

"This situation is ripe for culturally dramatic possibilities but Mr. Christopher descends into unexplained and distracting outlandishness by taking mystical detours in his narrative...The dialogue is witty and there is an engrossing debate about being gay and in the priesthood but the fantasy elements don’t really gel. Still, the 80 minutes are overall entertaining and intriguing if not totally satisfying...'Locusts Have No King' is partly fascinating and partly bewildering."
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Theatre is Easy
March 30th, 2016

"Christopher’s play is a revelation. 'Locusts' is a play that does not avoid spectacle. And yet Christopher’s brilliance as a playwright is that he keeps the characters genuine in the face of such dramatic given circumstances...Every detail of the production on this show is excellent, full of as much nuance as the writing and acting...'Locusts' is not afraid to get weird, and you should not be afraid to go. INTAR has created a night of deliciously complicated drama that will stick with you."
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Theater Pizzazz
March 31st, 2016

"What begins as a bitchy gay domestic comedy gradually morphs into an apocalyptic morality tale with one very deep hole in its plot...Whether the over-the-top climax is intended as a true and proper celestial punishment, is open to interpretation...The production is first rate...The acting is terrific...David Mendizábal, the director, made a monumental effort to make all the ups and downs of the plot move seamlessly along, sometimes thwarted by Mr. Christopher’s convoluted writing."
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NY Theatre Guide
March 30th, 2016

"The layers and depth of this revelational play were so mentally stimulating...Director David Mendizábal has fashioned a powerful production full of sensitivity and authentic moments that exposes him as a master of his craft...His ability to pull the audience into the inferno with such subtle flair is seductive...'Locusts Have No Kings' delivers a hefty punch right into societal pretense. It’s funny and phenomenal...Devilishly good!"
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March 30th, 2016

"Well-crafted and well-paced, 'Locusts Have No King' is a sharp new play by J. Julian Christopher...Mendizábal does a stellar job directing Christopher’s script...The cast do a phenomenal job fleshing out their characters. Unfortunately, there is a decidedly weak link in the casting...Tackling homosexuality in the priesthood, and finding the balance among humor and the occult, while offering the audience human characters, is not a simple task, and yet this production makes it appear effortless."
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