Perfect Crime
Perfect Crime
Open run 1h 55m NYC: Midtown W
54% 548 reviews
(548 Ratings)
Members say
Confusing, Disappointing, Entertaining, Clever, Dated

Put on your detective hat and solve the longest running murder mystery show in New York City.

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Critic Reviews (3)

The New York Times
October 3rd, 2005

"But if you stick with the story - and considering the turgid performances, that's asking a lot - it does make sense and even has a certain thematic elegance. As the illusions reveal themselves, a confusion and sense of terror slowly build. Or at least that's what should happen if the production wasn't so lethargic."
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New York Daily News
September 23rd, 2011

"There's just no killing New York's currently longest-running play. On Sunday, Warren Manzi's 1987 murder mystery, directed by Jeffrey Hyatt, hits a major mile-marker: 10,000 performances. Having never seen the show before, the time seemed right. As of No. 9,980, there's still life in the modestly diverting thriller."
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February 16th, 2011

"In the face of awkward segues within the characters’ dialogue and the lack of chemistry, Perfect Crime is still an intriguing thriller full of unexpected twists and turns. It will leave you unsettled and questioning the motives of its characters like any suspenseful piece of work will do. And in my opinion, that is its strongest asset."
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Cast and creative team