Prinze: The One-Man Show
Prinze: The One-Man Show
85% 35 reviews
(35 Ratings)
Members say
Great acting, Absorbing, Funny, Entertaining, Ambitious

About the Show

A one-man show about the extraordinary life of the late actor/comedian Freddie Prinze – the half-Hungarian, half-Puerto Rican pioneer that paved the way for future Latino entertainers.

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Critic Reviews (6)

Lighting & Sound America
October 30th, 2018

“Sonera proves to be a far more dynamic performer than his subject, landing more laughs than he has any right to with this aged material...It's not a criticism to say that Prinze's routines aren't very funny; they are fascinating...Sonera meticulously charts Prinze's descent into furious self-destruction with enormous skill....The piece could benefit both from a bit of trimming and an infusion of details...Still, Cardello-Linton's direction highlights the piece's strong dramatic arc.”
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November 5th, 2018

“Sonera's ‘Prinze’ is stronger on biographical data than emotional heft. He is a talented actor, slipping from the spotlight Prinze to the backstage Prinze with ease, as well as acting several of the important people in his life. As directed by Melissa Cardello-Linton, the show runs smoothly as the facts tumble out swiftly-depressing ones following happy ones-yet what drove Prinze to suicide remains a mystery, its agonizing secrets not revealed either by Sonera's Prinze or his ‘Prinze.’”
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Front Row Center
October 29th, 2018

"The only problem is that Freddie Prinze is so precious in Sonera’s vision, that the script is compromised to telling a story that any moderate Prinze fan already knows. Sonera’s faithfulness to his hero doesn’t allow him to go deep. There are still reasons to like this show. The acting is incredible...Sonera gives us Prinze’s pain, the addiction, the loneliness. We empathize as it fills his eyes and his body."
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DC Metro Theater Arts
October 28th, 2018

"Pays homage to the star in an insightful, intimate, funny, and heartrending one-man show...His high-energy tour-de-force performance is perfectly nuanced, timed, and calibrated...If you’re a longtime fan of Freddie Prinze and his pioneering career, this homage to an unforgettable virtuoso of comedy and a life ended too soon is a must see. If you haven’t yet been exposed to his groundbreaking work, 'Prinze' is the perfect introduction."
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September 22nd, 2018
For a previous production

"With an amazing, perfectly coifed Freddie do...combined with a mustache and dimples he must have stolen from Prinze himself, Sonara casts a likeness nothing short of striking...He completely owns every square foot of the stage, swigging wine, popping pills, and crushing up the perfect lines...If there’s anything I would suggest Sonera do, it’s slow down...The energy sometimes gets the best of him...Under Linton’s direction this beautifully crafted work of art is as funny as it is heartbreaking.”
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September 22nd, 2018
For a previous production

"A performance that’s as nuanced as it is riotously funny. Sonera’s Freddie exudes charisma, and his energy and charm keep the audience begging for more...By the time Freddie’s life starts to come off the rails, the actor has earned true empathy, from the audience, one that’s difficult to cultivate and highly worthy of praise...That ability to surprise, even in moments of immense tragedy, is ‘Prinze’s’ finest quality...A must-see if ever there was one.”
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