Closed 1h 30m
(2 Ratings)
Members say
Edgy, Thought-provoking, Relevant, Entertaining, Intense

About the Show

InProximity Theatre Company presents a comedic indictment of our current political climate in the story of an NYC politician.

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Critic Reviews (8)

November 23rd, 2015

"This play has an intense, captivating plot, excellent staging and features extraordinary acting...a timely piece of theatre that realistically depicts how scandals change the course of political careers. While the subject matter is serious, the characters are wholly genuine and the show is laced with humorous moments that keep this fast moving show entertaining."
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Lighting & Sound America
November 20th, 2015

"'Promising' isn't; Michelle Elliot's new play takes what should be a sure-fire dramatic situation - a New York city political sex scandal - and fritters it away in an endless series of conversation…For a drama built on such incendiary materials, 'Promising' has a surprisingly high boiling point. Even in the climactic scenes, in which everyone tries to address an increasingly uncertain future, all one can think is: These people sure can talk."
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November 24th, 2015

"What might have been a very talky evening in the theater has been given a sharp, focused production by director Terry Berliner who keeps the play moving with the sleekness of a high speed train...While Michelle Elliott’s 'Promising' may be a bit too long for its story line , Berliner keeps upping the tension as the events spin out of control. 'Promising' remains a fascinating investigation into ethics in politics and social media as well as what has become known as gender politics."
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Theatre is Easy
November 21st, 2015

"While 'Promising’s' dramatic arc may be somewhat lacking, veering too far towards melodrama in its final scenes, its presentation of these questions is more than enough to create a compelling piece of theatre...While it may not join the canon of renowned political dramas, 'Promising' is a thoughtful exploration of our contemporary political culture—and, more importantly, a wonderful showcase for some—ahem—promising talent."
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Stage Buddy
November 30th, 2015

"What sets 'Promising' apart is the precise, machine-like direction of Terry Berliner...It’s a polished production, displaying the kind of shine and gloss one might expect from a political campaign. This choice also creates a coldness in the production’s tone, one that keeps the audience at a distance, even in the final emotional scene...Berliner has accomplished yet another brave production with a distinct point of view."
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Theatre's Leiter Side
November 21st, 2015

"'Promising’ billed as 'a comedic indictment of our current political climate,' although the sparsity of snappy lines that don’t snap, and the seriousness of the situation, belie that description. Partly, this stems from director Terry Berliner’s thuddingly paced staging...Robards is surprisingly vapid. One might even apply a famous crack attributed to Dorothy Parker at Katharine Hepburn’s expense: he 'ran the gamut of emotions from A to B.'"
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Blog Critics
November 23rd, 2015

"The playwright sparks the action at a sharpening level of intensity. With every spin of this taut work, she elevates the conflicts and increases the momentum using ironic humor to stir our interest...From beginning to end ‘Promising’ is a clever production with spot-on, tight direction by Terry Berliner and fine acting by the ensemble."
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November 19th, 2015

"'Promising' is an unfortunate title, because it is so accurate. Playwright Michelle Elliot has delivered a play which starts wonderfully before transitioning to a didactic moral tale. Director Terry Berliner has infused the piece with movement, gallows humor and humanity, but 'Promising' ends up being a tragedy and the audience feels a bit cheated."
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