"Vaughn’s direction is overactive...But the tonal mix of the letters reveals a distinct and compelling voice...Lucy Thurber’s lackluster 'Unstuck' is about a demoralized man who spends his birthday moldering at home...In Robert O’Hara’s seamy, steamy 'Built,' Mr. O’Hara keeps shifting perspective so that our comfortable moral judgments get tangled and jangled. Neat and nasty, this is a treacherously erotic piece of writing."
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"'Series B' manages to create something resembling a complete evening of theater...O’Hara reminds us he is a powerful storyteller who, with 'Built.' manages to have his audience situated in a no-man’s land between cringing with half-covered ears and straining to make out every next line...'Love Letters to a Dictator' is configured intriguingly, but by its close it forces us to wonder how interchangeable the recipient of Stella’s poetic inquiries might be."
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