"Excellent staging by director, Lisa Milinazzo...De Rogatis' excellent portrayal of Frederick Clegg is unsettling especially when the character discusses his twisted logic. Geurts is outstanding as Emily, who uses every conceivable coping mechanism to deal with her horrific situation...'The Collector' depicts a rare view of a twisted individual and his unfortunate victim. It is an intense, captivating play that will keep you on the edge of your seat."
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"Ends up being little more than a B thriller with a notably sour tang and a tragic ending that makes the entire enterprise into something of an ordeal for the audience. This is nothing against the hardworking cast of two...Overall, director Lisa Milinazzo's handling of the actors is one of the production's strengths...One may well wonder what possessed anyone to turn it into a play."
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"Once the deed is done, once the line is crossed, how can there be any turning back? That's the question being raised and also the underlying problem with the unrelentingly creepy production...This is no Gothic romance like 'Phantom of the Opera'...Instead, it is an unwavering and consistently bleak danse macabre...Thanks to the richly realized performances...'The Collector' succeeds all too well at making us feel we are being held hostage along with Miranda."
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"As the play unfolds under Milinazzo's careful but plodding direction, the pressure of the situation begins to taper off and the drama's pace slackens...Both actors are as adept as the surprisingly lethargic script lets them be...What should be a tense psychological thriller sags into an extended Halloween screech. With two class-conscious characters and their battle for power, this dragged-out stage version of 'The Collector' should be more terrifying than melodramatically creepy."
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"Despite excellent performances, this stage version of 'The Collector' is essentially two verbose and wearying hours...Geurts and de Rogatis have a great offbeat chemistry together that goes far in realizing this difficult material...Director Lisa Milizanno’s staging is as resourceful as possible...With all of its fine points, 'The Collector' is ultimately an inert experience due to its inherent structure and a missing spark."
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"The two immensely talented actors comprising the cast unleash the tense emotions of their characters into this small space, pulling the audience into the room with them as they battle in a war of the psyches...The strength in this piece comes from the actors who display intense, raw emotion in their characters, under the expert direction of Lisa Milinazzo...'The Collector' is a riveting production that will have you at the edge of your seats."
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"In Lisa Milinazzo’s tediously paced, surprisingly unengaging staging of Healy’s play...Frederick is made as plain as possible, with de Rogatis wearing grungy clothing, wire-rimmed glasses, and a scruffy beard...When the first act ended, my companion asked if it was okay to leave...He had my approval, of course, while I, like Miranda, was doomed to remain, pinned to my seat like those butterflies on the walls, loved but unloving in return."
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"Free us, I scribbled in my notebook sometime in that two and a half hours. Send help...Healy's 'The Collector' is a limp string of scenes...De Rogatis lacks the necessary charisma, losing command in the show's first moments. Far more competent is the glowing Geurts, who does more with her shaky material and surrounding production...She's not the first actress to be trapped like this. Thank god this time, she'll make it out."
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