See it if because it is so clever and makes your mind work
Don't see it if you dont like to serious and complex stories.
See it if you want to learn about environment issues through beautiful dancing and acting
Don't see it if just go support young companies. Do it.
See it if You appreciate romantic, beautiful, masterfully executed dance addressing a somber relevant theme
Don't see it if You believe man's buildings are more important than nature and you do not enjoy modern dance
See it if you are a butterfly and dance lover of any age and you care about the future of our planet.
Don't see it if if you'd rather eat a butterfly than watch them fly
See it if Beautiful choreography by Gwynnedd Vetter-Drusch and exquisite ballet dancing by the entire cast. Compelling environmental theme.
Don't see it if If you are not fond of butterflies or of a strongly dance-oriented piece this is not for you.
See it if You appreciate beautiful dancing and a short, but sweet, message about conservation.
Don't see it if You prefer clear narratives over poetic symbolism.
See it if You want an enlighted experiance, to be apart of a moving performance.
Don't see it if Do not enjoy choreographed movement/dance or an engaging story with a strong message.
See it if you want to see a beautiful show with stunning choreography.
Don't see it if you're feeling cynical.
"A dual sense of doom and joy fills 'The Dance of Life'...It requires a quiet patience...Thematically the show is quite poignant...Framing the cause as a continental phenomenon, rather than based in a particular nation-state, serves as a powerful reminder that we collectively share the world and the responsibility to protect it. The essential and unwavering harmony of biodiversity, communicated through the powerful grace of this cast of dancers, is 'The Dance of Life.'"
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