See it if you love Batman. Jason's appreciation for the character and all he can mean is clear in every moment of the show, and really resonates.
Don't see it if you have no interest in superheroes or don't think that fictional characters can make a very real impact on the lives of those who love them
See it if A brilliant one man show with excellent storytelling and Batman actor impersonations. Genuinely funny and surprising
Don't see it if As good as it was if you’re not into one man shows with zero props and stage then it won’t entertain. Nor if you’re not really into Batman
See it if Inventive self-discovery monologue from a great "chameleon" actor
Don't see it if don't like monologues; unfamiliar with the Batman universe
See it if You want to see a man relate his life to ups and downs of Batman franchise. The impressions were funny and story was touching
Don't see it if You dislike solo shows
See it if You’ve ever felt like what was on the inside is more important than what’s on the outside. Funny. Inspirational. Clever. Smart. Current.
Don't see it if This was a GREAT show, even if you hate one person shows I would urge you to take a chance on this one, that might be only reason not to go. Read more
See it if you like Batman or Jason O'Connell
Don't see it if you can't stand one-man-shows.
See it if You like one man shows, memoir pieces, know of Jason’s work or would like to discover it. Very entertaining and satisfying personal story.
Don't see it if You don’t care about Batman or superhero culture. You don’t like any of the actors in the Batman films that Jason does great Impressions of. Read more
See it if If you want to see a masterful blend of superhero culture and the emergence of a young actor.
Don't see it if If you want a musical
"It’s not O'Connell's alter ego as a Dork Knight that makes for the biggest reveal of the night — but rather the fact that within this small solo piece is hiding one of New York's finest undiscovered actors…The passion with which O'Connell extols the virtues of Batman mixes an intoxicating Kool-Aid for even the superhero averse...O'Connell is a remarkably honest performer and writes himself a candid, hilarious, and surprisingly moving monologue to match."
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"The whole my-life-as-a-Bat-fan concept becomes strained after a while. Some of the humor doesn't land as strongly as it might, although this may be because O'Connell is still honing his delivery. Still, the actor is never less than engaging...Tony Speciale's staging has a casual intimacy that makes 'The Dork Knight' easy to like...What keeps 'The Dork Knight' engaging throughout is O'Connell's honesty, which sometimes approaches the self-lacerating."
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"Why shouldn't what we love represent who we are? In his sparkling one-man play, O'Connell explores this idea with both a seriousness and a hilarity that will make you reconsider your own devotions...Humor is his chief building block...But he can be effortlessly moving, too...Which isn't to say it's perfect...O'Connell is at his enviable best when he drops the costumes and lets his underlying humanity speak for itself. Luckily, that happens frequently enough to keep 'Dork Knight' richly involving."
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“This raw, funny, intense, and magnetically performed autobiographical solo show is at times a draining experience due to its fierce personal revelations that are imparted in a confined space…O’Connell’s script is a well-structured series of confessional anecdotes interwoven with the lore of the movies. His performance is a riveting blend of stand-up comedy and grand stage acting with Shakespearean flourishes…'The Dork Knight' is an engrossing work of therapeutic entertainment.”
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“What sets O’Connell apart is both his desire and remarkable ability to inhabit—and ape—the central characters of that film. I defy anyone to find a better Michael Keaton impersonator anywhere…'The Dork Knight' doesn’t stand out for its story, for it’s a familiar one…Rather, it’s O’Connell’s personal insight into how these films reflect, reveal and develop his personality and, more importantly, his love for, and remarkable skill at, acting.”
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"A hilarious celebration of the Dark Knight and his fans…His intimate performance brings out the humor of the connections he draws between Batman and his life, keeping the audience laughing all while maintaining the contemplative and discerning tone that lends the play more significant dramatic weight…A hilarious concept made profound with its vulnerable, honest performance, 'The Dork Knight' is must-see theater for fans who grew up on superheroes."
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“O'Connell...brings his endearing personality, abundantly versatile voice, and emotional depth to this autobiographical account of the role Batman-especially the movies-played in his life...Smartly staged by Tony Speciale in the three-quarters round..., exceptionally well lit by Zach Blane, and supplemented by (uncredited) sound effects, 'The Dork Knight' is a perfect vehicle for the personable O'Connell to demonstrate his considerable range as both a comic and serious actor.”
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“'The Dork Knight' is a funny and touching 90-minute show that is heartbreakingly profound as it shows us just who Jason O’Connell is. From this show I gained a respect for Mr. O’Connell, both as a storyteller and an actor. When he becomes Heath Ledger as the Joker, I longed to see O’Connell play some darker roles as he scared me in a good way with his performance. O’Connell is one terrific actor and this is one terrific show."
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