See it if You enjoy immersive theater experiences that allow audience interaction.
Don't see it if You expect polished acting, a coherent plot, or you hate nudity. Read more
See it if You are interested in Houdini, You are looking for a beginner immersive experience - this show is immersive but not really too immersive.
Don't see it if You want a true immersive, you are looking for good acting or a good story with a point - this show was lacking and disappointing.
See it if you want to see one of the worst immersive theater experiences of all time. You want to get bored.
Don't see it if you want to save your money. there are many better options for immersive theatre. Read more
See it if You enjoy immersive theater, Prohibition-era stories, magic.
Don't see it if You don't like immersive theater and have no interest in Prohibition, speakeasies, or magic. Also if you dislike nudity. Read more
See it if You enjoy "immersive" theatre, although this wasn't super immersive. You have an interest in Houdini and the drama surrounding his death.
Don't see it if You want to know what is happening all the time. Read more
See it if You like immersive experiences. Different segments are of different quality. Fun overall story.
Don't see it if Not the tightest direction/choreography of the different scenes. Read more
See it if You enjoy immersive/interactive theater. Good concept and there are some fun parts like the seance scene.
Don't see it if The execution was not always the best. Uneven performances and some scenes were not as interesting as others. Read more
See it if A great concept but a flawed execution of an immersive show (and I LOVE immersive). Odd group movement and choppy story cause a miss.
Don't see it if You don’t like to walk around a building to see a show. You don’t like interacting with cast members. Or are uncomfortable with nudity.
"It helps if you are open to just about anything; participation is encouraged but not mandatory...The transitions are ragged from the very start...At other times groups are led into locations where something is already going on, ends, and then a new scene begins, causing confusion...Regardless, it’s all still a lot of fun...Von Buhler has a great feel for the Prohibition era, and she knows how to titillate her audience, with song, dance, magic, drink, and ample nudity...A spirited evening."
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“von Buhler’s ‘The Girl Who Handcuffed Houdini’ combines murder mystery, film noir, and comic book genres to create a genuinely fun immersive theater experience...Many of the performances in the production resemble comic book characters come to life...’The Girl Who Handcuffed Houdini’ incorporates a remarkable amount of nudity...A sexy night of magic and mystery with a supremely talented cast of performers.”
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"Plunges audiences into a stylish Jazz Age-era world of magic and mystery...Every character seems to be straight out of an old timey movie...I found it difficult to invest in Houdini as a character...I wished for more suspense and higher stakes built into the narrative as it unfolded, leading to a stronger payoff...Luckily for all of us, Daily’s performance is compelling enough to propel the piece forward.”
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