"On the everything-old-is-new again front, the play adaptation of 'The Gruffalo,' the latest incarnation of the acclaimed children's book at New Victory Theater, is a winner...The musical, with engaging, occasionally interactive songs, hits the right note among the audience. Based on an ancient Chinese folktale, 'The Gruffalo' is a perfect story for ages 4-8. It's funny, but also trumpets smarts."
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"Director Olivia Jacobs has created a version that’s as fun and as fantastical as the original...Much must also be said for the show’s brilliantly silly take on the characters.. There aren’t many surprises here, and the songs do go on a bit, but, if your kids loved the book, they’ll likely love this show."
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"There's an inescapable feeling of Playschool Puritanism about it all...What I like about the show is its watertight structure, its way of getting an audience to roar for very good reasons and the way the two actors create an instant vaudeville atmosphere with their vocals and versatile fill-in narrative passages. They make a real play of it."
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"Children's theatre specialist Tall Stories has managed to add some songs and dialogue and dance action to extend the piece without wrecking its essence. Donaldson's language is intact and this undemanding but zesty show is just the ticket for children who think that a soft plush toy is a really cool present."
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"'Matilda' this show is not – the original and the adaptation are thin fare in comparison with the disturbing and multi-layered creations of Dahl and his later creative adapters. But on its own terms this show achieves exactly what it sets out to do and fully deserves the appreciation of reviewers, whether aged eight or eighty."
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"Julia Donaldson and Alex Scheffler’s picture-book story takes only five minutes to read, but Tall Stories have spun the yarn into a 50-minute musical marvel...Actors Lum and particularly Garrud have fun with a script whose knowing comic edge appeals to the adults and gives Toby Mitchell’s production a winning quirkiness."
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"The play remains true to the original tale but is peppered with song, dance, and pantomime that more than maintains the attention spans of it's intended 2-years target audience during a manageable and magical hour of entertainment."
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"All of the actors give believable child-friendly upbeat energetic performances. It is a show that children and adults will both love and to be highly recommended if you are fans of the book."
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