The Iron Heel
Closed 1h 45m
The Iron Heel
(4 Ratings)
Members say
Thought-provoking, Funny, Wonderful old song sing alongs, Absorbing, Slow

About the Show

Untitled Theater Company #61 presents a new stage adaptation of Jack London's 1908 dystopian novel of the same name.

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Critic Reviews (10)

The New York Times
July 31st, 2016

“'The Iron Heel' is burdened by dense, interminable political arguments. But that did not deter Einhorn, who adapted that leaden tome into a flawed but refreshingly unironic play...Despite its dry-looking subject, the show has an endearingly loose do-it-yourself feel...It often gets bogged down in rhetoric, especially toward the end. But it serves up food for thought with an appealing heart-on-sleeve warmth. You may well find yourself humming some of those tunes on the way out.”
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Theatre is Easy
August 10th, 2016

"Thoughtful and approachable...Tends to lose itself in dense political rhetoric...'The Iron Heel,' though imperfect, provides a solid introduction to Jack London and his work in a time wrought with doubts about the current economic and political landscape across the globe. Einhorn’s adaptation is a testament to the idea that, sometimes, the best way to understand the past is the best way to understand the present."
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New York Theater
August 10th, 2016

"The adept theatrical version reflects the spirit of socialism–the show is free or 'pay what you can'...The show winds up an intellectually stimulating oddity rather than an emotionally stirring manifesto...As with past work, Einhorn proves again a master (but a benevolent one) in turning intellectual matters into engaging stage shows."
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Blog Critics
August 11th, 2016

“This well-acted, cleverly executed production is a mind-bending tour de force of ideas, as only Einhorn can deliver, with darkly twisting humor and swaths of realism thrown in to perplex...It is a must-see if you enjoy flirting with a confluence of ideas humorously cast in an absurdist framework, and if you have fun being ejected from your philosophical and political comfort zones.”
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July 31st, 2016

“This would be a rather dry piece if it were not for the parallels between London’s time and ours. The struggles are a bit different, but the Jack London predicted the rise of the 1%...A fascinating story–not always captivating, but always interesting. And I was impressed by how moved much of the audience was–old lefties and younger millennials finding a common bond in a story and songs over 100 years old. It is a fun night.”
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August 1st, 2016

"In Edward Einhorn’s briskly-paced and endearing stage adaptation, the spine of the story remains, while much of the soapboxing has been trimmed...A rousing tale of rigged elections, false identities, prison escapes, bombings, romantic interludes, songs of solidarity, and scenes of terrifying carnage...Despite the naiveté of its source material, 'The Iron Heel' does seem to have a relevant message: As in London’s time, the American atmosphere is abuzz with the need for change."
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Village Voice
August 11th, 2016

“While telling their story, the players pause occasionally for a labor-anthem sing-along or to explain obsolete concepts. This device also allows Einhorn to insert some ambivalence about London's blithe embrace of violence...The script's reliance on hectoring speeches, manifesto-thin characterization, and narration in lieu of rousing action ultimately make for an inert production. As with London's book, it demonstrates how something can be red and colorless at the same time.”
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HiLow Brow
August 24th, 2016

"This production recalls...Mac Rogers’ ‘Universal Robots’ in giving an eerily artifactualized sense of existence; remote pasts reinhabited in distant futures, with we in the middle feeling like we’ve seen a ghost of ourselves…Einhorn leaves open questions that are settled in the novel to keep us thinking. And feeling...Amidst a cast of characters whose theories make the world turn in one direction or another, this is perhaps Einhorn’s most emotionally immediate work."
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