"The relatively new theater company Pocket Universe deserves praise for attempting Beaumont and Fletcher's rarely seen 1619 revenge play, 'The Maid's Tragedy,' which has prescient relevance in the #MeToo era with its sexual coercion and resulting cover-up. However, as conceived by Alyssa May Gold (who acquits herself well in the title role) and directed by Lucy Gram, the production does almost everything it can to sabotage an audience's being able to follow this unfamiliar Jacobean play."
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“The insightful concept is at odds with the show’s retention of the authentic Jacobean language and its references to Rhodes...In its ambitious production of this rarely-seen 17th-century classic, where Pocket Universe excels is in delivering the full-blown emotion, impact, and import of 'The Maid’s Tragedy' through impressive acting and direction, and an acute awareness of the universality of its themes and their profound resonance in today’s world."
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“What most struck me about ‘The Maid’s Tragedy’ was how director Lucy Gram played this ancient play for its timeless message…It is not for every theater lover, especially because of the density and pacing of its language. Throughout history, 'The Maid’s Tragedy' has torn critics between absolute, blinding praise and complete confusion and indifference. It will do the same for its audience, but, at least, it has a strong cast of actors to make you bask in talent.”
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