The Power of Punctuation
Closed 1h 0m
The Power of Punctuation
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About the Show

The Davenport Theatre presents a new play about friendship, sex, and commas.

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Critic Reviews (2)

The New York Times
July 19th, 2016

"A small, welcome oasis of entertainment in the middle of this fraught summer, it’s a surprisingly incisive take on a time of life when newfound sexual freedom and large quantities of alcohol can wreak havoc on your ability to judge what matters most...The script could be tightened a bit, as could the production’s pacing...But this is a smart, well-acted play, clever at delineating competing demands: the emotional intimacy of friendship and the privacy required to develop attachments elsewhere."
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Manhattan Digest
July 25th, 2016

“It comes as no surprise to learn that Natalie Margolin was considered one of the funniest women at her alma mater...With able direction from Casey Griffin, this trio navigates the rough waters of dating in a manner that is both endearing and hilarious. One of the play’s minor drawbacks however, is in the pacing. Most of the jokes land, but others linger a tad longer than they should...It ends abruptly and one wishes that Margolin would explore her characters' plights a bit further.”
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