"This strong cast poignantly shows their characters’ varied faults and questionable sensibilities...The set up offers the audience an immersive experience. We don’t just get to watch a bloodbath on stage, we’re in the splash zone...Still, I do wonder if there were more opportunities to use the round to draw the audience even closer to the story...If you are a lover of classics then you should definitely check out 'The Revenger’s Tragedy.'"
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"Weiss never quite solidified the tone in her production as moments that should likely not garner uproarious laughter did…The lights by Yi-Chung Chen were striking. That is when you could see...There were a couple of side light units that blinded the audience. And it’s unfortunately unforgivable…Of the two plays in Spicy Witch's season, this is not the winner...With various liberties and ideas taking over, 'The Revenger’s Tragedy' had a lot more than the blood stained floor to clean up."
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