See it if Terrific script and direction. Seemed real and relevant. As a former high school teacher of literature it was very honest and real.
Don't see it if Can’t handle the cacophony of multiple streamed conversations or frank discussions on difficult topics involving teens.
See it if You enjoy plays about the human experience and realism, especially about women and girls issues. All the performances and characters excel
Don't see it if You don’t care about what it’s like to grow up being a woman.
See it if You enjoy watching a well-written play about competitive high school athletes over a season of success and striving.
Don't see it if You don't like concentrating to understand people talking over each other. You look for surprise or insight. This is pure reporting.
See it if a fav; i loved it from start to finish
Don't see it if n/a
See it if You would like a window into the minds and lives of teen girl athletes
Don't see it if Only like plays written by and about old white guys Read more
See it if you’d watch a day-in-the-life of teenage girls; you’ve never seen a female coming of age plot
Don't see it if you’re over adolescence; you expect new ideas about young femininity Read more
See it if you're a teenager, or are interested in teenage issues. It's a beautiful play, and everybody should would get something out of it
Don't see it if You want something light, fun and plotless
See it if You wish to see a superb ensemble of young performers in a totally unique and emotionally gripping show.
Don't see it if You are expecting a typical (Rocky-like) sports story.
"Some of the most exciting and affecting ensemble work on a New York stage...One of the greatest achievements is that it doesn’t allow for so-called breakout performances. It’s not that DeLappe’s characters are absorbed into a bloblike collective...But she and Neugebauer have created a remarkably level playing field for a team of disparate personalities who give fresh credence to the idea that onstage, in union there is strength."
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"'The Wolves' asks us to listen more carefully, and to pay attention. As the team members differentiate themselves from the pack, the play teases out larger questions hidden amid its keen naturalism...DeLappe takes all of them seriously. Her hopeful, respectful play is an implicit reproach to those who worry or complain about kids today. Seeing 'The Wolves' for a second time, I picked up on a number of things I had missed the first time. The soccer here is smart as hell."
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"A crack team of outstanding young actresses...Neugebauer’s touch is both delicate and decisive. She doesn’t dress plays up or weight them down with excess conceptual baggage...As a piece of writing, it’s undeniably strong, and also noticeably crafted—but there’s also something about its arc that feels too neatly calibrated to be truly astonishing...The nine young women who prowl the practice pitch in 'The Wolves' take a good play and go a long way towards making it a great one."
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"Smart, nimble and told through an intriguing out-of-the-box approach, the play is a gripping slice of fly-on-the-stadium-wall realism...There’s more crosstalk and interruptions than a 'Real Housewives' reunion. And, yeah, that’s exactly how people talk in groups...The play is skillfully directed by Lila Neugebauer and deftly acted by a tightknit ensemble of 10...Add me to the pack of admirers for this terrific play."
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"A dizzying whirl of attitude, anxiety and adolescent hormonal volatility practically pings off the walls...The subtlety of the craftsmanship, the assurance of tone and the thematic incisiveness are remarkable, astonishingly so for a first work...DeLappe has a knack for making her artfulness appear almost accidental. Her dialogue has the unwritten sound of real conversation...This is one of the most striking playwriting debuts in recent memory, and absolutely not to be missed."
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"'The Wolves’ most impressive feat is its subtlety: DeLappe’s script is empty in all the right places, as the audience pieces together aspects of the characters’ lives from clues given...This is also a testament to both Neugebauer’s direction and the cast’s innate understanding of their characters...A play that takes teenage girls seriously, never leaning into easy parody, but instead elevating their struggles and successes into an unforgettable, deeply moving work of drama."
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"An amazing debut play...Neugebauer directs and choreographs the play with mesmerizing syncopation...The text is so real that it's almost as if DeLappe transcribed real conversations between teenage girls; the performances are so authentic that it almost feels like we're eavesdropping on these ritualistic moments of young adulthood. For this engagement, Neugebauer and her excellent company have managed to clarify the material even further...One of the best plays of the decade."
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“An exceptional ensemble…The work of director Lila Neugebauer achieves a remarkable naturalism, even while the actors are choreographed into set routines and speaking their overlapping lines while allowing for the more important points to surface above the clamor. As DeLappe's debut piece, ‘The Wolves’ introduces a playwright with a fine ear for authentic dialogue who can cleverly structure a play non-traditionally.”
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