
Tremor NYC Reviews and Tickets

(57 Ratings)
Members say
Great acting, Absorbing, Thought-provoking, Relevant, Disappointing

About the Show

Part of 59E59's 2018 'Brits Off Broadway' series, this world premiere drama is about how we choose to see things and live in a world riven with tension, anxiety, and division.

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Show-Score Member Reviews (57)

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133 Reviews | 36 Followers
This is great theater: terrific acting and directing, and dealing with a theme of contemporary urgency. not to be missed.

See it if you appreciate the insidious building of intensity through pitch-perfect colloquial dialogue impeccably acted.

Don't see it if A Welsh accent is a problem for you or you require spectacle to be engaged. The set is minimal, which adds to its brilliance.

83 Reviews | 15 Followers
Absorbing, Intense, Relevant, Thought-provoking

See it if If you want to see some intelligent drama in a small venue

Don't see it if If you'd rather see a musical.

538 Reviews | 158 Followers
Great acting, Intelligent, Relevant, Thought-provoking, Intense

See it if You like 2 handers in which the subject matter is only revealed after a lot of dialogue. You are OK with no sets, it’s a bare stage.

Don't see it if You are looking for laughs. There is not a funny moment ! You don’t like plays that use heavily accented English. Lots of tense moments.

270 Reviews | 36 Followers
Absorbing, Entertaining, Great acting, Intelligent, Relevant

See it if you enjoy great acting using a minimal set, and are OK with the whole show being 2 people face to face in a deep discussion

Don't see it if you expect an elaborate set, lots of movement and action. don't enjoy dark drama, don't enjoy politics being introduced

78 Reviews | 8 Followers
Great acting, Relevant, Slow, Intelligent

See it if Two people play with intense acting

Don't see it if Two people play , slow

581 Reviews | 89 Followers
Great acting, Edgy, Intelligent, Intense

See it if you like well written, talky shows that make you think.Acting is very good.Back story is slowly revealed.Has important things to say.

Don't see it if you want a straightforward play.This show is thought provoking, well acted, well structured.It's a play that gets under your skin.Relevant.

442 Reviews | 127 Followers
Absorbing, Great acting, Edgy, Intense, Thought-provoking

See it if you enjoy intense two-person drama with a slowly unraveling story which leaves you guessing about what actually happened until the end.

Don't see it if you only enjoy musicals, two-person drama with minimal staging (none) is not for you; you need a tidy plot line with no surprises.

193 Reviews | 31 Followers
Thought-provoking, Relevant, Absorbing, Great acting

See it if for a one act, 2 person bare-staged play that is thought provoking, interesting and not immediately predictable.

Don't see it if don't like to listen to long dialogue. For a tight easily resolved play or If you don't like to leave theater thinking about what just saw.

Critic Reviews (15)

Lighting & Sound America
May 22nd, 2018

The success of Birch's play depends on a series of carefully timed revelations...Mercatali's direction of this taut, brief two-hander builds successfully to a climactic speech...A wounding recollection of two lives caught up in a disaster that became a political flashpoint and tabloid fodder...A tale of making decisions with far-reaching consequences, and of traumas that continue to reverberate until the present day...Has much to say about the sour, pre-Brexit mood of Britain.”
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Talkin' Broadway
May 22nd, 2018

“Starts off promisingly with an air of mystery and lands with a thud at the end of a lot of lengthy speeches leading to faulty conclusions...Neither of the characters is developed much, not through the performances nor Mercatali's direction, which keeps them emotionally detached...It appears that the playwright wants to use the forum to talk about socio-political issues...He conflates too many separate ideas that do not support the play's conclusions.”
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May 25th, 2018

"Tremor is more of an actors' exercise than it is a play. The two-character work concerns Sophie and Tom who come together for the first time in years. They are two of seven who survived a bus accident which killed 32 and which may have been a terrorist act on the part of the bus-driver, who, we're eventually told, was 'Muslim.' Like so much else that transpires in this 60-minute dialogue by Brad Birch, it's an unresolved enigma."
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Theater Pizzazz
May 22nd, 2018

“Birch’s intense, riveting drama...A simmering verbal confrontation that starts out strong and never looks back as the two-character play careens forward...A beautifully constructed back and forth that seems to never stop for air...Mercatali keeps the production’s brisk pace on track...The tension never lets up. You find yourself hanging on every word, engrossed in the dynamic of two fine actors and their absorbing characters."
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Front Mezz Junkies
May 23rd, 2018

"It’s tense and exhilarating, as directed neatly and with an increasing level of anxiety by David Mercatali...Starring two very capable and gifted actors, Lisa Diveney and Paul Rattray, who do a sexually charged dance around one another, scratching at the pain in their souls that is just itching under their skin...It’s a beautifully urgent and electrifying tango, frighteningly revolving around fear, judgement, punishment, and panic attacks."
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Theatre's Leiter Side
May 23rd, 2018

"The head-scratching conclusion of this otherwise flavorful onion seems to belong to some other dramatic veggie…While the play's multiple issues may sound like playwriting overkill, Birch juggles them sufficiently well to hold our interest if not necessarily to convince us one way or the other about any of them…Rattray, a pleasant-looking guy with a rich Welsh accent, and Diveney, a pretty woman, are fully invested…regardless of the audience in the tiny venue being only inches away."
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Manhattan Digest
May 22nd, 2018

“All the makings of sparse British play with much cerebral potential...Although covering so much ground in such a short period of time borders on inundation, the play is so expertly written and the story so carefully unveiled that this potential excess is not too negatively felt...Diveney and Rattray tell the story with clear talent and skilled professionalism...Director David Mercalati effectively stages the actors...He expertly shaped the piece in line with the playwright’s intent."
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Plays to See
May 28th, 2018

"This gripping opening is ultimately squandered by a series of clumsy revelations and awkward sermonizing on contemporary politics, at which point the characters cease to be complex individuals and become stand-ins for competing ideologies...The dialogue is fast paced, full of stops and starts, which all works very well under David Mercatali’s tight direction, until the move away from mystery and tension and toward all-out exposition and speechifying."
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