Tripping on Life
Closed 1h 15m
Tripping on Life
(19 Ratings)
Members say
Indulgent, Entertaining, Ambitious, Disappointing, Absorbing

About the Show

In 1968, Lin Shaye's life shifts dramatically amid artistic growth and personal upheaval.

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Critic Reviews (5)

Talkin' Broadway
September 18th, 2023

"Certainly there is no shaking the read-aloud nature of Ms. Shaye's performance, but what differentiates it from a book-on-tape production are her eloquent facial expressions, gestures, vocal intonations, and an ability to bring all of her characters to life with heart, humor, and a gentle touch."
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September 18th, 2023

Shaye tells of a pot and drug-addicted couple who are totally disgusting parents to a two year old. That’s just not acceptable even though it was told as a funny hippy-dippy anecdote. Even so, Shaye is a great storyteller, her narration a perfect substitute for the absent camera. However, she is a poor developer of characters. Her insights end with naming the drugs each character takes. None of the characters seem to have any means of support, however colorful they are.
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Theater Pizzazz
September 18th, 2023

For all its futile attempts to sound humorously hip, with dozens of F-bombs, dudes, drug references, and exaggerated examples of the hippie syndrome (including young men who answer the door totally nude, even in a state of arousal), the narrative struggles to get beyond the sleaziness and surprising cluelessness of its characters, including Shaye’s own, or to define them in more than one dimension.
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Front Row Center
September 18th, 2023

“All in all it is a misguided and jumbled evening. This is a story filled with good intentions, and we want to care about this guy she loved so much. But we never get a chance to make it to first base. The inserted photos in the program prove more compelling than the show.”
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September 18th, 2023

The sleek and personable veteran actress Lin Shaye recounts for over an hour, indelible love and loss events from her life. These incidents mostly take place in dreamy and druggy 1960’s California, during her nostalgic self-written autobiographical staged reading solo show. It succeeds as a wistful theatrical memoir through its born to be wild theme.
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