Unexpected Joy
Closed 1h 30m
Unexpected Joy
(140 Ratings)
Members say
Great singing, Entertaining, Delightful, Funny, Relevant

About the Show

The York Theatre Company's world premiere musical centers around three generations of female singers, long-held family tensions, and a week together where change is in the air. 

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Critic Reviews (19)

The New York Times
May 3rd, 2018

"The show had its premiere on Cape Cod two summers ago with a different director and cast. Revised since then, it retains both its primary strengths — Hood’s music and Russell’s lyrics, though their title song is still underwhelming — and its fatal weaknesses: Russell’s strained plot and sitcom-shallow dialogue, and a central character so self-absorbed that you have to wonder what Lou, who is a catch, sees in her. Mason’s performance...is the least assured in an otherwise strong cast."
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May 3rd, 2018

"The end result is like what you'd imagine would come from a Netflix version of 'The Brady Bunch' — it has some leeway for edgier content but doesn't exactly know how to use it...The show seems to lose sight of the fact that it is preaching to the converted, not relaying new or revelatory information. The book's weaknesses become even more frustrating when compared to some of the truly lovely songs...Don't expect anything unexpected in this musical."
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May 8th, 2018

“Sweet, funny and very entertaining new musical...Sure, the plot can be a little contrived, but Russell's words are filled with wit and sincerity and Hood's music, played by music director Beth Falcone's four-person band, is a catchy blend of pop styles. Directed by Amy Anders Corcoran, the York Theatre Company's production is swift and light, but the show blasts into high gear when the four talented cast members raise their voices in rousing harmonies.”
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Lighting & Sound America
May 7th, 2018

"'Unexpected Joy' lives or dies on the audience caring whether this fractious little family holds together. But all the characters do is restate their positions, repeatedly, rendering the question unimportant and uninvolving...Admittedly, 'Unexpected Joy' goes down easily, thanks to some genuinely funny wisecracks, a passel of tuneful songs, and a quartet of performances that make everything seem better than it is."
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Talkin' Broadway
May 3rd, 2018

"A cheerful, rousing celebration that also boasts surprising complexity in its characters and their warped relationships...Credit composer Hood and especially librettist-lyricist Russell, who really, really knows how to write women...What may catch you unexpectedly is how equitably Russell has dished out the good and bad human traits among these four...Corcoran's direction is unfussy, and she allows pauses and silences where they're warranted, a rarity among directors of musicals."
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New York Stage Review
May 3rd, 2018

"It does give credulity quite a stretch, but it doesn’t test it to the absolute breaking point...Many 'Unexpected Joy' audiences will forgive its unexpected story line because the Bill Russell score, which has solos for all as well as duets and trios and quartets, is so pop-music-gospel-music strong...One of the unexpected joys of this production is the glorious singing on every song."
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New York Stage Review
May 3rd, 2018

"Well-intentioned but wan...The show’s setup—and its hazy framing device—is a memorial performance for Jump. A little predictable, but convenient, as it gives Joy, Rachel, Tamara, and Joy’s friend Lou (Allyson Kaye Daniel) an excuse to stand around and sing a bunch of songs, concert-style...Getting from song to song—that pesky libretto!—is the problem. Russell has a knack for one-liners, but not for plotlines."
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May 3rd, 2018

"Features strong-voiced singers and a thoroughly professional presentation that works without a lot of lavish scenery or technical wizardry...The performers are all excellent, but this is hardly groundbreaking or extraordinarily fresh...That said, it's light-hearted fun, with likeable characters that takes a well-meaning look at the issues that divide modern American families."
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