Waiting For Obama (FringeNYC)
Closed 1h 30m
Waiting For Obama (FringeNYC)
(10 Ratings)
Members say
Thought-provoking, Funny, Absorbing, Relevant, Entertaining

About the Show

Part of FringeNYC: A father and son are convinced that President Obama is coming for their guns… And they may be right! This magical and surreal exploration of relationships touched by tragedy, leaps head-first into America’s most complex conundrum… Guns.

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Critic Reviews (2)

Theatre is Easy
August 15th, 2016

“The cast is spectacular, and John Moore’s powerful script is further energized by incredible sound design from director Brian Freeland. His use of ominous music accompanying various gun-related tragedies provides great touches to this wonderful work. The production design by Luxbomb Tricycle is yet another great addition to the piece. From the acting, to the stage design, to the themes, ‘Waiting for Obama’ easily earns its place as a Theasy Best Bet.”
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August 17th, 2016

"Statistics and current events in media are presented in recurring heavy-handed interludes, or are integrated clumsily into the dialogue...The conclusion of the play is the most predictable finale to a gun violence play you could possibly anticipate...Text aside, I admired the production design...Every actor really did his or her job, but Leslie O’Carroll and Laurence Curry turn out show-stealing performances that truly redeem and reclaim the piece at large."
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